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Date        : 2005/12/03 08:30
User        : 
Edit Summary: created

====== History of Crossfire ======

===== Technical History =====

Crossfire started with just one indoor-map (first a simple test-map, then the first real map, which got extended a few times), then it got increased to 4 indoor-maps with one-way portals from lvl 1 to 4.  When you had cleared
the last level, there was nothing more to do.  Spells were limited to magic bullet, fireball, magic missile, burning hands lightning bolt (magic bullet was the first one).

Later, when two-way portals was implemented, and lots of local players (at University of Oslo, Norway) started making maps, it exploded in all direction, including the first town and the first world (the one we have now is the third town and third world).

In the years of development that have followed, Crossfire has grown to encompass over 150 monsters, ~3000 maps to explore, an elaborate magic system, over 15 character types, a system of skills, and many, many artifacts and treasures.

IP-Address  :
Old Revision: none
New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/history_of_crossfire

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