[Crossfire-wiki] [Crossfire DokuWiki] page changed: spells:summoning

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Tue Dec 5 10:49:02 CST 2006

A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2006/12/05 10:49
User        : mhoram
Edit Summary: 

@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
  ====== Summoning Spells ======
  Summoning is one of the wizardry disciplines of spellcasting.  Most summoning spells belong to the Paths of Summoning or Creation, but a few belong to other Paths.  The primary use of these spells is to summon monsters to attack your enemies, but there are also spells for summoning walls, food, and other useful items.  The Summoner class is naturally the best at mastering this family of spells.  Worshippers of Mostrai will have a difficult time gaining Summoning skill points, as they will be unable to cast any Summoning spells until increasing their skill level, which can only be done by forming a party with a skilled summoner and sharing XP.
+ Summoning monsters to fight for you can help you to stay safe against dangerous enemies, since the caster can stay out of the line of fire while the monsters do the work.  The caster receives all XP gained from enemies killed by his pets.
  This is a complete list of the Summoning spells((according to the SVN version as of 2006-12-03)), sorted by level.  
@@ -25,10 +27,36 @@
  === Summon Golem ===
  ^ Level:  | 2  ^ SP:  | 5  ^ Path:  | Summoning |
  ^ Notes:  | Summons a golem which does the caster's bidding.  The golem is controlled with the Fire keys like a missile weapon, and can be directed to fight monsters, bash doors, set off traps, etc.  The golem will exist for a limited time, which is reduced further when it takes damage.  Casting another spell will also cause the golem to disappear. |||||
+ === Summon Pet Monster ===
+ ^ Level:  | 2  ^ SP:  | 5  ^ Path:  | Summoning |
+ ^ Notes:  | Creates a monster which will attack the enemies of the caster.  The monster is not under the caster's control, so it may also bash doors, run away, or get lost.  The type of monster created varies by the caster's summoning skill level. (And perhaps by the caster's choice in god?)  Summoned monsters persist until killed.  |||||
+ === Alchemy ===
+ ^ Level:  | 3  ^ SP:  | 5  ^ Path:  | Transmutation |
+ ^ Notes:  | This spell is one of the elements needed to perform alchemy, the process by which magic items are created or improved.  For a fuller explanation of the process, see the [[guides:alchemy_guide|Alchemy Guide]].   |||||
+ === Counterspell ===
+ ^ Level:  | 3  ^ SP:  | 10  ^ Path:  | Abjuration |
+ ^ Notes:  | Fires a cone of energy that destroys spells within the cone and blocks incoming spell attacks.  It will not kill spells of higher level than the spell caster.  |||||
+ === Magehound ===
+ ^ Level:  | 3  ^ SP:  | 12  ^ Path:  | Summoning |
+ ^ Notes:  | ?????  |||||
+ === Create Earth Wall ===
+ ^ Level:  | 4  ^ SP:  | 6  ^ Path:  | Creation |
+ ^ Notes:  | Creates a line of earth walls.  These are ordinary walls which cast no spells and do no damage, but they block vision and most creatures cannot pass through them.  These walls will remain until destroyed.\\  A tip:  Create a bomb on the wall and run away; the wall and any creatures next to it will be destroyed.  This is one of the most-used combos in the game.  |||||
+ === Summon Earth Elemental ===
+ ^ Level:  | 4  ^ SP:  | 15  ^ Path:  | Summoning |
+ ^ Notes:  | Summons an earth elemental which is controlled with the Fire keys, like a golem.  Very durable, with powerful attacks, but slow.    |||||
+ === Charm Monsters ===
+ ^ Level:  | 5  ^ SP:  | 20  ^ Path:  | Mind |
+ ^ Notes:  | If it succeeds, it will convert nearby monsters into pets which will fight for the caster.  |||||
  //more to come....//
  ===== Credits =====
    * All information retrieved from the archetype files in the [[http://crossfire.real-time.com/svn/index.html|SVN repository]], or from the [[http://crossfire.real-time.com/spoiler/spells/index.html|Spells]] section of the main Crossfire site.

IP-Address  :
Old Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/spells:summoning?rev=1165329269
New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/spells:summoning

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