[Crossfire-wiki] [Crossfire DokuWiki] page changed: dev:objects

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Fri Dec 8 05:38:06 CST 2006

A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2006/12/08 05:38
User        : ryo
Edit Summary: format

@@ -1191,29 +1191,19 @@
  | subtype 6 | name or race |
  | subtype 7 | all three |
  Note from Mark:  Player Movers and Directors are separate objects, even though they look and act similar.  Directors only do spells/missiles, however, while player movers only do living creatures (depending on how it is set)
  ===== Directors =====
- Directors are objects that change the direcion of objects moving through the
- air such as spells and missiles. As in the noted in the section on player
- movers, they act similar, however in constrast they only affect spells,
- missiles, or other flying projectiles.
+ Directors are objects that change the direction of objects moving through the air such as spells and missiles. As in the noted in the section on player movers, they act similar, however in contrast they only affect spells, missiles, or other flying projectiles.
  Here are the various fields:
- sp:  the direction--if unset (0) motion is random.
- subtype: a bitmask that specifies which of arch, name, and race affect the
-          race and slaying flags. If unspecified (or zero), all will be searched.
- 	 See the section above on playermovers for what subtypes mean what.
- race: only affect objects with a arch/name/race matching this.
- slaying: don't affect objects with a arch/name/race matching this.
+ | sp | the direction--if unset (0) motion is random |
+ | subtype | a bitmask that specifies which of arch, name, and race affect the race and slaying flags. If unspecified (or zero), all will be searched. See the section above on playermovers for what subtypes mean what |
+ | race | only affect objects with a arch/name/race matching this |
+ | slaying | don't affect objects with a arch/name/race matching this |
  ===== Magical Walls  --  walls that cast spells =====
  Magical walls are like other walls, except every now and then,

IP-Address  :
Old Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/dev:objects?rev=1165577764
New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/dev:objects

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