[Crossfire-wiki] [Crossfire DokuWiki] page changed: dev:objects

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Fri Dec 8 09:09:19 CST 2006

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Date        : 2006/12/08 09:09
User        : ryo
Edit Summary: format

@@ -1437,134 +1437,98 @@
  When hit_map() hits the transport, we examine look for all players in the transport and damage them as appropriate.  Note that items are not damaged.
  As of this writing, transports are non living creatures, and thus can't be damaged.
  ====== Flags & specifications: (usage: flag value) ======
  Note: the flags are case sensitive.
  G = generator. O = object.
  Note (961129):  These notes look correct as far as they go.  However,
  oftentimes, the real effect in game terms might be more complicated than
  list here.  As an example:  Exp value is just base - it will be further modified
  based on stats, levels, and potentially skills.
- Flag syntax             Value
- Object  <name>          name of O, internal refs only.
- name    <name>          name of O as seen in the game.
- race    <name>          race of O, internal.
- slaying <name>          Those O's with this race receives 2x damage.
- other_arch <other obj>  which other O this G generates.
- More                    use between linked object defs.
- anim
-  .                      which bitmaps to use in animation of the O.
-  .                      If TEAR_DOWN flag is set, this contains the different
-  .                      stages of being destroyed.
- face name		Name of the face (ie, food.111)
-  .
- mina
- end                     terminates definition of this O.
- last_heal <no>          Internal use (for regaining hit-points)
- last_sp   <no>          Internal use (for regaining spell-points)
- last_eat  <no>          Internal use (for consuming food)
- speed     <no>          speed of O.  A negative number means that speed_left
-                         will be randomized when the object is loaded.
- speed_left <no>         speed of O remaining, internal.
- face <bmap no>           bitmap first drawn for O.
- Str,Dex,Con,
- Wis,Cha,Int <no>        default ability for O.
- hp,maxhp,sp,maxsp <no>  default value for O hitpoints, spellpoints.
- maxsp                   In main.c:fire() which arrowtype to use
-                         Number equal to to the arrows type definition.
- exp <no>                Xp gained for killing O.
- food <no>               nutrition value for O. *DANGEROUS* as it's also
-                         used to contain internal values for non-edible
-                         objects. This should be changed in future.
- dam,wc,ac <no>          default damage, weaponclass, armorclass. 
-                         dam 0 gives a 'friendly' monster ;)
- wc                      main.c:move_gate(). Is used by gates to indicate in 
-                         which position they are.
- x,y <no>                relative coords for bmap when using large objects.
-                         x=y=0 is default, x=1 is second bmap in first row etc.
- nrof <no>               No. of O:s.  0 means that objects of this type
-                         are not to be joined/split (it's a lone object).
- level <no>              O:s level.
- direction               In which direction (1=north, 8=north-west) this O is
-                         moving (flying).  Simple schematic of the dirs:
- 				812
- 				7-3
- 				654
- type <no>               the object as defined in 'defines.h'
- material <no>           the sum of materials in this O. (see materials.)
- value <no>              the value for this O.
- weight <no>             the weight for this O.
- carrying                sum of the weight of objects within this object.
- attacktype <no>         type of attack from O. (see attacks)
- invisible <1>           set if O is invisible.
- magic <no>              magic modifier of O. (bracers +3 has magic 3)
- state                   internal.  Used when animating the object
- alive <1>               set if O is alive (can be attacked).
- applied                 set if object is readied/worn/etc.
- unpaid                  set if object is unpaid (internal)
- no_pick <1>             set if O can't be taken.
- no_pass <1>             set if O can't be passed. (eg, a closed door)
- walk_on <1>             O is applied by anything walking onto it.
- walk_off <1>            O is applied by anything walking off it.
- fly_on <1>              O is applied by anything flying onto it
- fly_off <1>             O is applied by anything flying off it.
- is_animated <1>         set if O is animated.
- flying <1>              set if O is flying (used in fly_on/fly_off).
- monster <1>             set if O is a monster.
- friendly <1>            set if O will help player instead of attacking.
- generator <1>           set if O is a generator.
- auto_apply <1>          O is applied when it is loaded (for instance, some
-                         chests open automatically when the map is loaded)
- treasure <1>            not used yet.
- apply_once <1>          not used yet
- see_invisible <1>       set if O can see invisible player.
- can_roll <1>            set if O can be rolled.
- is_turnable <1>         set if O can be turned 'automagically'
- is_lightable <1>	set if O is something like a lantern that can be lit 
- is_used_up <1>          bizarre. O is used up after created, eg an explosion.
- identified <1>          true if the item has been identified.
- reflecting <1>          set if O is reflective.
- changing <1>            set if O will change appearance.
- splitting <1>           set if O will divide.
- hitback <1>             set if O hits when being hit.
- blocksview <1>          set if O blocks line of sight.
- undead <1>              set if O is undead.
- scared <1>              internal (O is running away from players right now)
- unaggressive <1>        internal (not used yet)
- color_fg <no>           foreground color of O. Remember to set face/anim first!
- color_bg <no>           background -"-         - "" -
- reflect_missile <1>     set if O throws back missiles.
- reflect_spell <1>       set if O throws back spells (some).
- no_magic <1>            set if O totally resists magic (*use with care*)
- tear_down <1>           set if O can be torn down (using animations and hp).
- run_away <no %>         percentile of hp left which causes monster to flee.
- pass_thru <1>           set if O can be passed thru by objects <below>.
- can_pass_thru <1>       set if O can pass thru objects <above>
- pick_up <value>         Which items monster will pick up (see pickup (above))
- is_buildable <1>        set if items can be built on top of this O.
+ ^ Flag syntax ^ Meaning ^
+ | Object <name> | name of O, internal refs only |
+ | name <name> | name of O as seen in the game |
+ | race <name> | race of O, internal |
+ | slaying <name> | those O's with this race receives 2x damage |
+ | other_arch <other obj's name> | which other O this G generates |
+ | More | use between linked object definitions |
+ | anim \\ . \\ . \\ face name \\ . \\ mina | which bitmaps to use in animation of the O. If TEAR_DOWN flag is set, this contains the different stages of being destroyed. ''face name'' is the name of the face (ie, food.111) |
+ | end | terminates definition of this O |
+ | last_heal <no> | internal use (for regaining hit-points) |
+ | last_sp <no> | internal use (for regaining spell-points) |
+ | last_eat <no> | internal use (for consuming food) |
+ | speed <no> | speed of O.  A negative number means that speed_left will be randomized when the object is loaded |
+ | speed_left <no> | speed of O remaining, internal |
+ | face <bmap no> | bitmap first drawn for O |
+ | Str,Dex,Con, Wis,Cha,Int <no> | default ability for O |
+ | hp,maxhp,sp,maxsp <no> | default value for O hitpoints, spellpoints |
+ | maxsp | in main.c:fire() which arrowtype to use Number equal to to the arrows type definition |
+ | exp <no> | Experience gained for killing O |
+ | food <no> | nutrition value for O. *DANGEROUS* as it's also used to contain internal values for non-edible objects. This should be changed in future FIXME is this still relevant |
+ | dam,wc,ac <no> | default damage, weaponclass, armorclass. dam 0 gives a 'friendly' monster ;) |
+ | wc | main.c:move_gate(). Is used by gates to indicate in which position they are |
+ | x,y <no> | relative coords for bmap when using large objects. x=y=0 is default, x=1 is second bmap in first row etc. |
+ | nrof <no> | number of O:s. 0 means that objects of this type are not to be joined/split (it's a lone object) |
+ | level <no> | O:s level |
+ | direction | in which direction (1=north, 8=north-west) this O is moving (flying). Simple schematic of the dirs: \\ 812 \\ 7-3 \\ 654 |
+ | type <no> | the object as defined in 'defines.h' |
+ | material <no> | the sum of materials in this O. (see [[dev:materials]] FIXME check link when exists) |
+ | value <no> | the value for this O |
+ | weight <no> | the weight for this O |
+ | carrying | sum of the weight of objects within this object |
+ | attacktype <no> | type of attack from O. (see attacks FIXME check link when exists) |
+ | invisible <1> | set if O is invisible |
+ | magic <no> | magic modifier of O. (bracers +3 has magic 3) |
+ | state | internal.  Used when animating the object |
+ | alive <1> | set if O is alive (can be attacked) |
+ | applied | set if object is readied/worn/etc. |
+ | unpaid | set if object is unpaid (internal) |
+ | no_pick <1> | set if O can't be taken |
+ | no_pass <1> | set if O can't be passed. (eg, a closed door) |
+ | walk_on <1> | O is applied by anything walking onto it |
+ | walk_off <1> | O is applied by anything walking off it |
+ | fly_on <1> | O is applied by anything flying onto it |
+ | fly_off <1> | O is applied by anything flying off it |
+ | is_animated <1> | set if O is animated |
+ | flying <1> | set if O is flying (used in fly_on/fly_off) |
+ | monster <1> | set if O is a monster |
+ | friendly <1> | set if O will make a monster help player instead of attacking |
+ | generator <1> | set if O is a generator |
+ | auto_apply <1> | O is applied when it is loaded (for instance, some chests open automatically when the map is loaded) |
+ | treasure <1> | not used yet FIXME ?? |
+ | apply_once <1> | not used yet FIXME ?? |
+ | see_invisible <1> | set if O can see invisible player |
+ | can_roll <1> | set if O can be rolled |
+ | is_turnable <1> | set if O can be turned 'automagically' |
+ | is_lightable <1> | set if O is something like a lantern that can be lit FIXME ?? |
+ | is_used_up <1> | bizarre. O is used up after created, eg an explosion FIXME ??|
+ | identified <1> | set if the item has been identified |
+ | reflecting <1> | set if O is reflective |
+ | changing <1> | set if O will change appearance |
+ | splitting <1> | set if O will divide |
+ | hitback <1> | set if O hits when being hit |
+ | blocksview <1> | set if O blocks line of sight |
+ | undead <1> | set if O is undead |
+ | scared <1> | internal (O is running away from players right now) |
+ | unaggressive <1> | internal (not used yet) FIXME isn't is used |
+ | color_fg <no> | foreground color of O. Remember to set face/anim first! |
+ | color_bg <no> | background -"-         - "" - |
+ | reflect_missile <1> | set if O throws back missiles |
+ | reflect_spell <1> | set if O throws back spells (some) |
+ | no_magic <1> | set if O totally resists magic (*use with care*) FIXME is this true to any item? |
+ | tear_down <1> | set if O can be torn down (using animations and hp) |
+ | run_away <no %> | percentile of hp left which causes monster to flee |
+ | pass_thru <1> | set if O can be passed thru by objects <below> |
+ | can_pass_thru <1> | set if O can pass thru objects <above> |
+ | pick_up <value> | which items monster will pick up (see pickup (above)) |
+ | is_buildable <1> | set if items can be built on top of this O |
  ====== Treasures and abilities ======

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Old Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/dev:objects?rev=1165589799
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