[Crossfire-wiki] [Crossfire DokuWiki] page changed: cfpython

no-reply_wiki at metalforge.org no-reply_wiki at metalforge.org
Tue Dec 26 16:28:21 CST 2006

A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2006/12/26 16:28
User        : ryo
Edit Summary: update (not yet finished), sort

@@ -204,9 +204,8 @@
    * ''ScriptParameters'' contains any parameter the player added to the command. FIXME {can NULL be passed?}
  ==== RegisterGlobalEvent ====
  ==== UnregisterGlobalEvent ====
  ==== GetTime ====
  Returns a Python ''list'' corresponding to the in-game server time. Fields are (start at ''0'' to access):
    - year
    - month
@@ -216,17 +215,9 @@
    - day of week
    - week of month
    - season
- ==== DestroyTimer ====
- Removes specified timer event, which was created through a call to ''Crossfire.Object.CreateTimer''.
- Arguments:
-   * ''number'', timer identifier as returned.
- Returns:
-   * 0: no error
-   * -1: invalid timer identifier
  ===== Crossfire.Archetype methods and attributes =====
  This represents an archetype, from which all objects are derived.
@@ -241,8 +232,9 @@
    * More: next archetype linked to current archetype. Will be ''None'' for last item
    * NewObject: returns a ''Crossfire.Object'' having this archetype as type
  ===== Crossfire.Object methods and attributes =====
@@ -361,39 +353,108 @@
    * MoveOff
    * MoveSlow
    * MoveSlowPenalty
- Methods:
-   * Remove
-   * Apply
-   * Drop
-   * Fix
-   * Say
-   * Speak
-   * Take
-   * Teleport
-   * Reposition
-   * QueryName
-   * GetResist
-   * ActivateRune
-   * CheckTrigger
-   * QueryCost
-   * Cast
-   * LearnSpell
-   * ForgetSpell
-   * KnowSpell
-   * CastAbility
-   * PayAmount
-   * Pay
-   * CheckInventory
-   * CheckArchInventory
-   * OutOfMap
-   * CreateObject
-   * InsertInto
-   * ReadKey
-   * WriteKey
-   * AddTimer
-   * AddExp
+ ==== Methods ====
+ === ActivateRune ===
+ Current object springs like a trap, hitting the victim.
+ Arguments:
+   * ''Crossfire.Object'' that is the victim of the trap.
+ === AddExp ===
+ Adds or substracts experience to current object.
+ Arguments:
+   * ''number'', experience to add
+   * ''string'' (optional), skill to add to
+   * ''number'' (optional), what to do if player doesn't have the specified skill:
+     * 0: give the player the skill
+     * 1: give player exp to total, no skill
+     * 2: player gets nothing
+     * 3: used when removing exp
+ === AddTimer ===
+ Fires an ''event_timer'' after the specified delay. Object must have a handler for this event.
+ Arguments:
+   * ''number'', delay for timer
+   * ''number'', timer mode
+     * 1: delay is in seconds
+     * 2: delay is in server cycles
+ Returns: timer identifier, which can be used to remove the timer through a call to ''[[cfpython#Crossfire.DestroyTimer|Crossfire.DestroyTimer]]''
+ === Apply ===
+ Current object applies specified object. The effect depends on the object being applied, which can be a potion, a trigger, ...
+ Arguments:
+   * ''Crossfire.Object'' to apply
+   * flag FIXME meaning?
+ Return value:
+   * 0: player or monster can't apply objects of that type
+   * 1: has been applied, or there was an error applying the object
+   * 2: objects of that type can't be applied if not in inventory
+ === Cast ===
+ === CastAbility ===
+ === CheckArchInventory ===
+ === CheckInventory ===
+ === CheckTrigger ===
+ === CreateObject ===
+ === Drop ===
+ Current object drops specified object, which will be put on the ground, or in a container, depending on applied containers.
+ Argument:
+   * ''Crossfire.Object'' to drop
+ === Fix ===
+ Current object is reinitialized from its default values, values (ac, wc, Str, ...) are recomputed from items worn, in inventory, ...
+ === ForgetSpell ===
+ === GetResist ===
+ === InsertInto ===
+ === KnowSpell ===
+ === LearnSpell ===
+ === OutOfMap ===
+ === Pay ===
+ === PayAmount ===
+ === QueryCost ===
+ === QueryName ===
+ === ReadKey ===
+ === Remove ===
+ Destroys current object, which then becomes invalid.
+ === Reposition ===
+ === Say ===
+ Current object says something in current map.
+ Argument:
+   * ''string'' to say.
+ === Speak ===
+ Current object says something in current map
+ FIXME difference with say??
+ Argument:
+   * ''string'' to say.
+ === Take ===
+ Current object picks up specified object, which will be put in inventory, or in a container, depending on applied containers.
+ Argument:
+   * ''Crossfire.Object'' to take
+ === Teleport ===
+ === WriteKey ===
  ===== Crossfire.Map methods and attributes =====
  All properties are read-only.

IP-Address  :
Old Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/cfpython?rev=1167172030
New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/cfpython

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