A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details: Date : 2006/01/09 03:44 User : cavehippo Edit Summary: move in my TODO list, clarify a few things. spell_lists - testing That client can use to show the spells available to the player party_lists likewise for parties. goto (movement) - deferred goto (combat, applying, saying) - deferred for clicking on the mapview extended stats command keymode, applymode, map name, about a dozen others tabs for jcrossclient coloured text for jcrossclient - later merge rods and horns - later c-bay for auctioning items. generalise the shop currancy handling code. commodities tracking commodities trading fluctuating economies Transfer of maps between regions in response to external events war shop shares based on activity in them. skill hiscore tables using python applet-ise jcrossclient Huffman-encode the commands in the protocol or maybe just map to single bytes. Player lists like spell lists, but for players IP-Address : Old Revision: none New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/user/cavesomething/todo -- This mail was generated by DokuWiki at http://wiki.metalforge.net/