A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2006/01/09 04:13
User        : cavehippo
Edit Summary: fix formatting

@@ -1,34 +1,42 @@
- spell_lists                             - testing
-  That client can use to show the spells available to the player
- party_lists
-  likewise for parties.
- goto (movement)                         - deferred
- goto (combat, applying, saying)         - deferred
-  for clicking on the mapview
- extended stats command
-  keymode, applymode, map name, about a dozen others
- tabs for jcrossclient
- coloured text for jcrossclient          - later
- merge rods and horns                    - later
+ == == spell_lists - testing == 
+ That client can use to show the spells available to the player
+ == == party_lists ==
+ likewise for parties.
+ == ==  goto (movement)                         - deferred ==
+ == == goto (combat, applying, saying)         - deferred ==
+ for clicking on the mapview
- c-bay
-  for auctioning items.
+ == == extended stats command ==
+ keymode, applymode, map name, about a dozen others
- generalise the shop currancy handling code.
-   commodities tracking
-   commodities trading
-   fluctuating economies
+ == == tabs for jcrossclient ==
- Transfer of maps between regions in response to external events
-   war
+ == == coloured text for jcrossclient          - later ==
- shop shares
-   based on activity in them.
- skill hiscore tables
-  using python
- applet-ise jcrossclient
- Huffman-encode the commands in the protocol
-  or maybe just map to single bytes.
- Player lists
-   like spell lists, but for players
+ == == merge rods and horns                    - later ==
+ == == c-bay ==
+ for auctioning items.
+ == == generalise the shop currancy handling code. ==
+ commodities tracking
+ commodities trading
+ fluctuating economies
+ == == Transfer of maps between regions in response to external events ==
+ war
+ == == shop shares ==
+ based on activity in them.
+ == == skill hiscore tables ==
+ using python
+ == == applet-ise jcrossclient ==
+ == == Huffman-encode the commands in the protocol ==
+ or maybe just map to single bytes.
+ == == Player lists ==
+ like spell lists, but for players

IP-Address  :
Old Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/user/cavesomething/todo?rev=1136778251
New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/user/cavesomething/todo

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