A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details: Date : 2006/01/09 07:22 User : rednaxela Edit Summary: created ====== Land Plots ====== Buildable plots of land throughout bigworld. Players can by them and for a small rent build in them. They will tile together, and form what could be called a "verybigworld" or "plotworld" ===== Todo: ===== === Already finished === * The 'template map' framework that is required for storing them is complete. Reletive paths for tiling is done, so tiling between them should work === To be done === * Allow maps to specify in their header that building is restricted * 'Building passes' allow building in these areas (invisible force, or as a card type object?) * Write glue code, either as python, server plugin, or built in, for creating the plot entrances, building passes, and such things. * Make random map styles * Maps for buying the plots * Picture/arches for the plot entrances * And much more... ===== Some issues: ===== * Where should land plots be buildable? * When a map maker builds over a land plot entrance, what happens to the land plot? * What (if anything) should be done about the potential issue of players trapping eachother in buildable areas. * Perhaps when players enter 'plotworld', they get a non-dropable exit item in the inventory back to the bigworld view ===== New building features that would enhance it: ===== *Buildable savebeds *Buildable lock/key pairs *[[dev_todo:buildableshops|Buildable shops]] *Buildable teleporters *Buildable crafting stations (?) *New buildable things (i.e. new walls, grass, etc.) IP-Address : Old Revision: none New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/dev_todo/landplots -- This mail was generated by DokuWiki at http://wiki.metalforge.net/