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Date        : 2006/01/09 07:34
User        : rednaxela
Edit Summary: created

====== My todo list: ======
  * Finish my python based client libs
  * Port the spellcasting swords to the new python server bindings and get into cvs
  * Get a quest made for the 'create repulsion wall' spell
  * [[dev_todo:landplots|Land Plots]]
  * "scrying" via tiling (already done by Mikee a little after I mentioned the idea)
  * A 'capture the flag' areana
  * Fancier monster ai
  * And more things I'm forgetting...

Back to [[user:rednaxela|my user page]]

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Old Revision: none
New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/user/rednaxela/todo

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