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Date        : 2006/01/21 00:04
User        : cavehippo
Edit Summary: 

@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
  It is said that centuries before the foundation of the Old Empire, the world was colorless and sad. Aware of that problem, the Builders decided to bring color in the life of the Crossfire people. They called the massive powers of Xepemes, The Source Of All Colors, on the universe. The magical burst slowly covered the world with colors, but some elements resisted for a long time. Prophets of the Old Empire announced that, although victorious, the force of Xepemes wouldn't stay forever: one day, it would eventually fade away against a more powerful magical force, the mysterious Pegemes(Peengees?). This happened - but much after the fall of the Empire.
  ===The Bigworld===
- The old world was small and it consisted of many pieces. Scorn, Navar, Brittany and Santo Dominion were in one large piece. Darcap and the Hill Village were in another smaller one. Lake Country was in yet another. Pupland was still another. The world was not whole, and the builders saw that this was wrong. They began the quest to unite the world and established the Bigworld. As the builders united the world they saw that it was much too small and began to make it larger. They raised up the Great Mountains around Brest and they caused the Great Forest to grow. As the time passed, Navar grew to become a great Kingdom and the builders decided that it was a good city for players to call home and they gave the Heroes a choice to serve Scorn or Navar. Nevertheless, Pupland is still not part of this new world, but the builders wish to add it to the west of Scorn.
+ The old world was small and it consisted of many pieces. Scorn, Navar, Brittany and Santo Dominion were in one large piece. Darcap and the Hill Village were in another smaller one. Lake Country was in yet another. Pupland was still another. The world was not whole, and the builders saw that this was wrong. They began the quest to unite the world and established the [[Bigworld]]. As the builders united the world they saw that it was much too small and began to make it larger. They raised up the Great Mountains around Brest and they caused the Great Forest to grow. As the time passed, Navar grew to become a great Kingdom and the builders decided that it was a good city for players to call home and they gave the Heroes a choice to serve Scorn or Navar. Nevertheless, Pupland is still not part of this new world, but the builders wish to add it to the west of Scorn.

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Old Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/imperial_myths?rev=1130895906
New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/imperial_myths

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