A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2006/01/29 19:10
User        : 
Edit Summary: 

@@ -5,8 +5,10 @@
  Item: the name of the feature (link to an other page here if needed)
  Description: a basic description of the feature
+ Areas: (in general section) parts of crossfire that are affected by the item
  Developer: A list of developers currently working on this feature
@@ -23,28 +25,39 @@
    Planning - The feature, and its details are being actively planed/debated
    Defered - The feature will not be completed for the 2.0 release
  Feel free to add more states to the priority and status lists.
+ ===== General =====
+ Changes that effect several parts of Crossfire
+ ^ Item ^ Description ^ Affected ^ Developer ^ Priority ^ Status ^
+ | Revamp Lighting | Colored lighting, etc | Client, Server, Maps, Arches | Rednaxela? | Low | ? |
  ===== Client =====
  Changes to be made to the client.
  ^ Item            ^ Description            ^ Developer ^ Priority ^ Status   ^
- | UI Improvements | Enhancements to the UI | None      | High     | Planning |
+ | [[dev_todo:Improve Client UI]] | Enhancements to the UI, to make it more user friendly | None | High | Planning |
  ===== Server =====
  Changes to be made to the server.
  ^ Item       ^ Description ^ Developer ^ Priority ^ Status ^
  | [[dev_todo:landplots|Land Plots]] | Allow Players to purchase and build on plots of land | [[user:Rednaxela]] | ? |  ?|
+ | [[dev_todo:server_cleanup|Cleanup]] | Find/Remove unused code, and possibly restructure parts of the codebase | None | ? | ? |
+ | [[dev_todo:Fix Weather]] | Fix the weather system | None | Low | Inactive |
+ | [[dev_todo:Better NPCs]] | Smarter NPCs | None | Low | Inactive |
  ===== Maps =====
  Changes to be made to maps
  ^ Item    ^ Description                                ^ Developer ^ Priority ^ Status   ^
- | [[dev_todo:Kandora]] | Fix and take maps out of /unlinked/kandora | None      | Low      | Inactive |
+ | [[dev_todo:Kandora]] | Fix and take maps out of /unlinked/kandora | None | Low | Inactive |
+ | [[dev_todo:Map Cleanup]] | Clean up the maps | None | ? | ? |
  ===== Archetypes =====
  ^ Item ^ Description ^ Developer ^ Priority ^ Status ^
- |      |             |           |          |        |
+ | [[dev_todo:Archetype Cleanup | Remove obsolete params, etc | None | Low | ? |

IP-Address  :
Old Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/dev_todo/cf2.0?rev=1138560639
New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/dev_todo/cf2.0

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