A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2006/01/29 19:40
User        : 
Edit Summary: add more stuff

@@ -31,8 +31,11 @@
  Changes that effect several parts of Crossfire
  ^ Item ^ Description ^ Affected ^ Developer ^ Priority ^ Status ^
  | [[dev_todo:lighting|Revamp Lighting]] | Colored lighting, etc | Client, Server, Maps, Arches | Rednaxela? | Low | ? |
+ | [[dev_todo:Fix Sound]] | Fix/redo sound | Client, Server, Maps, Arches | None | Low | Inactive |
+ | [[dev_todo:music|Ambient Music]] | Looping background music | Client, Server, Maps | Low | Inactive |
+ | [[dev_todo:newmapprotocol|New S>C Map protocol]] | New, more flexible method of sending map information to client | Client, Server | None? | ? | ? |
  ===== Client =====
  Changes to be made to the client.
@@ -55,9 +58,12 @@
  ^ Item    ^ Description                                ^ Developer ^ Priority ^ Status   ^
  | [[dev_todo:Kandora]] | Fix and take maps out of /unlinked/kandora | None | Low | Inactive |
  | [[dev_todo:Map Cleanup]] | Clean up the maps | None | ? | ? |
+ | Bigworldify Pupland | Move pupland on to the world maps | Someone? | ? | Active |
+ | [[dev_todo:Auction House]]/command? | A place to auction items | None | Low | Inactive |
  ===== Archetypes =====
  ^ Item ^ Description ^ Developer ^ Priority ^ Status ^
  | [[dev_todo:Archetype Cleanup]] | Remove obsolete params, etc | None | Low | ? |

IP-Address  :
Old Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/dev_todo/cf2.0?rev=1138562020
New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/dev_todo/cf2.0

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