A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details: Date : 2006/01/29 21:04 User : Edit Summary: @@ -41,8 +41,9 @@ ^ Item ^ Description ^ Developer ^ Priority ^ Status ^ | [[dev_todo:Improve Client UI]] | Enhancements to the UI, to make it more user friendly | None | High | Planning | | [[dev_todo:Stabilize gtk2 client]] | Set up proper configure.ac for the client compilation and detection of correct gtk version. Test the client and make it stable | None | Medium | Planning | + | [[dev_todo:Improve gtk client]] | Add custom images and decoration, improve command binding menu to make it user friendly and reduce keyboard use to the minimum. | None | Medium | Planing | ===== Server ===== Changes to be made to the server. IP-Address : Old Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/dev_todo/cf2.0?rev=1138568525 New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/dev_todo/cf2.0 -- This mail was generated by DokuWiki at http://wiki.metalforge.net/