[Crossfire-wiki] [Crossfire DokuWiki] page changed: dev_todo:quest_management_system

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Fri Nov 24 22:47:09 CST 2006

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Date        : 2006/11/24 22:47
User        : rednaxela
Edit Summary: Use wiki bullets

@@ -21,35 +21,35 @@
  events (for instance follow player movement to know if they do what is 
  required to complete a task).
  It would also keep, for each player, quest status, and such.
- Advantages I see:\\
- * quest's information is in one file, it's easy to see globally how it works, 
+ Advantages I see:
+   * quest's information is in one file, it's easy to see globally how it works, 
  versus today's dispatched in maps, making it hard to look at, and check 
- whether it's broken or not\\
- * as a correlary, adding/turning off a quest means moving one file (or a 
- directory)\\
- * it wouldn't not rely on the hacks i did for the first basic quest system. I 
- don't really like'em anyway :) \\
- * we can think of DM commands to look at quests, know what quest a player did, 
- reset quest status. Maybe even dynamically alter quests! *g* \\
- * we can add a quest editor, probably included in the map one :) \\
+ whether it's broken or not
+   * as a correlary, adding/turning off a quest means moving one file (or a 
+ directory)
+   * it wouldn't not rely on the hacks i did for the first basic quest system. I 
+ don't really like'em anyway :)
+   * we can think of DM commands to look at quests, know what quest a player did, 
+ reset quest status. Maybe even dynamically alter quests! *g*
+   * we can add a quest editor, probably included in the map one :)
- Drawbacks, opened questions:\\
- * one could change a map without updating a quest, thus it could be become 
+ Drawbacks, opened questions:
+   * one could change a map without updating a quest, thus it could be become 
  broken - server should try to handle that graciously, and report it in any 
- case \\
- * to have a really powerful quest system, and fun transitions (from bashing a 
+ case
+   * to have a really powerful quest system, and fun transitions (from bashing a 
  specific monster to having 3 players do a special dance at a certain time), 
  the conditions / transitions will require a full scripting language. So 
  either reuse an existing one (Python, maybe? Or LUA? Or anything else?), or 
  make our own - I'd favor reusing existing one, to avoid making Yet Another 
  Script Language. Though of course if we use Python the Python plugin would 
- become mandatory.\\
- * this quest system could be done either at server's core level, or as a 
+ become mandatory.
+   * this quest system could be done either at server's core level, or as a 
  plugin. Last option would require some changes in plugin architecture 
  (basically move plugin handling from server part to common lib part, to add 
- hooks at a basic level. Also add interplugin communication).\\
- * tracking player behaviour could be resource intensive - that will need 
- testing and addressing if required :) \\
+ hooks at a basic level. Also add interplugin communication).
+   * tracking player behaviour could be resource intensive - that will need 
+ testing and addressing if required :)

IP-Address  :
Old Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/dev_todo:quest_management_system?rev=1158503865
New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/dev_todo:quest_management_system

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