[Crossfire-wiki] [Crossfire DokuWiki] page changed: people

no-reply_wiki at metalforge.org no-reply_wiki at metalforge.org
Wed Sep 20 20:16:11 CDT 2006

A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2006/09/20 20:16

User        : rednaxela

Edit Summary: Add website column

@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@

  ====== Crossfire Developers and active members of the commun
ity ======


  This page is primarily here to help mapping between people's names (as s
een on the mailing lists), irc nicks, and sourceforge/launchpad accounts. 
 For privacy reasons, please don't add anyone else than yourself.


- ^ Full Name ^ wiki ^ irc ^ sourceforge ^ launchpad ^

- | Brendan Lally | | cavehippo | [[http://sourceforge.net/users/cavesomet
hing/|cavesomething]] | [[https://launchpad.net/people/brenlally | brenlal
ly]] |

- | Lalo Martins | [[user:lalomartins]] | lalo | [[http://sourceforge.net/
users/lalo/|lalo]] | [[https://launchpad.net/people/lalo.martins|lalo.mart
ins]] |

- | David Delbecq | | tchize | [[http://www.tchize.be|tchize]] |  |

- | Rick Tanner | Leaf | Leaf | [[http://sourceforge.net/users/rjtanner|rj
tanner]] |  |

- | Ketche South | | Ketche | [[http://meeg.elvenrealms.net/|Ketche]] |  |

- | Andrew Fuchs | [[user:techolous]] | TechII | [[http://sourceforge.net/
users/bbotbuilder/|bbotbuilder]] | [[https://launchpad.net/people/fuchs.an
dy|fuchs.andy]] |

- | Alex Schultz | [[user:rednaxela]] | Rednaxela | [[http://sourceforge.n
et/users/qal21/|qal21]] | [[https://launchpad.net/people/rednaxela|rednaxe
la]] |

- | Raphaël Quinet | [[user:raphael]] | raphael (gimpnet),\\ RaphaelQ
 (freenode) | [[http://sourceforge.net/users/quinet/|quinet]] | [[https://
launchpad.net/people/raphael-gimp|raphael-gimp]] |

- | Joshua Wilson | majorwoo | majorwoo | [[http://sourceforge.net/users/m
ajorwoo|majorwoo]] |  |

- | Yann Chachkoff | | gros,\\ lauwenmark | [[http://sourceforge.net/users
/gros|gros]] |  |

- | Nicolas Weeger | Ryo Saeba | ryo_ | [[http://sourceforge.net/users/ryo
_saeba|ryo_saeba]] | |

- | Knut Ahlers | | Luzifer (Euirc),\\ Luziferus (freenode, ircnet) | [[ht
tp://sourceforge.net/users/k_ahlers|k_ahlers]] | |

- | Gene Alexander | [[user:eracc]] | eracc\\ galahadcf\\ (runs cfbot) | [
[http://sourceforge.net/users/eracc|eracc]] |  |

- | Ruben Safir | [[user:mrbrklyn]] | mrbrklyn\\ ruben\\ (runs xchat at al
) | [[http://www.mrbrklyn.com]] |  |

+ ^ Full Name ^ wiki ^ irc ^ sourceforge ^ launchpad ^ website ^

+ | Brendan Lally | | cavehippo | [[http://sourceforge.net/users/cavesomet
hing/|cavesomething]] | [[https://launchpad.net/people/brenlally | brenlal
ly]] | |

+ | Lalo Martins | [[user:lalomartins]] | lalo | [[http://sourceforge.net/
users/lalo/|lalo]] | [[https://launchpad.net/people/lalo.martins|lalo.mart
ins]] | |

+ | David Delbecq | | tchize |  |  | [[http://www.tchize.be]] |

+ | Rick Tanner | Leaf | Leaf | [[http://sourceforge.net/users/rjtanner|rj
tanner]] |  | |

+ | Ketche South | | Ketche |  |  | [[http://meeg.elvenrealms.net/]] |

+ | Andrew Fuchs | [[user:techolous]] | TechII | [[http://sourceforge.net/
users/bbotbuilder/|bbotbuilder]] | [[https://launchpad.net/people/fuchs.an
dy|fuchs.andy]] | |

+ | Alex Schultz | [[user:rednaxela]] | Rednaxela | [[http://sourceforge.n
et/users/qal21/|qal21]] | [[https://launchpad.net/people/rednaxela|rednaxe
la]] | |

+ | Raphaël Quinet | [[user:raphael]] | raphael (gimpnet),\\ RaphaelQ
 (freenode) | [[http://sourceforge.net/users/quinet/|quinet]] | [[https://
launchpad.net/people/raphael-gimp|raphael-gimp]] | |

+ | Joshua Wilson | majorwoo | majorwoo | [[http://sourceforge.net/users/m
ajorwoo|majorwoo]] |  | |

+ | Yann Chachkoff | | gros,\\ lauwenmark | [[http://sourceforge.net/users
/gros|gros]] |  | |

+ | Nicolas Weeger | Ryo Saeba | ryo_ | [[http://sourceforge.net/users/ryo
_saeba|ryo_saeba]] | | |

+ | Knut Ahlers | | Luzifer (Euirc),\\ Luziferus (freenode, ircnet) | [[ht
tp://sourceforge.net/users/k_ahlers|k_ahlers]] | | |

+ | Gene Alexander | [[user:eracc]] | eracc\\ galahadcf\\ (runs cfbot) | [
[http://sourceforge.net/users/eracc|eracc]] |  | |

+ | Ruben Safir | [[user:mrbrklyn]] | mrbrklyn\\ ruben\\ (runs xchat at al
) |  |  | [[http://www.mrbrklyn.com]] |


  ===== Package Maintainers =====


  ^ Full Name ^ irc ^ Distribution ^

  | Kari Pahula | kaol | Debian|

  | Michael Thomas | _wart_ | Fedora|

  | Ketche South | Ketche | Mac OS X(ppc-X11) |

  | Ryo | ryo_ | Windows |

IP-Address  :

Old Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/people?rev=1158798699

New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/people


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