[Crossfire-wiki] [Crossfire DokuWiki] page added: crossfire_compile_guide

no-reply_wiki at metalforge.org no-reply_wiki at metalforge.org
Tue Mar 6 16:16:44 CST 2007

A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2007/03/06 16:16
User        : leaf
Edit Summary: created

FIXME -- this needs to be updated
* libpng3-dev
* make
* flex
* libgd2-xpm 
* libgd2-xpm-dev
* libgd-tools
* check
* g++
* bison
* libgtk2.0-0
* libgtk1.2
* libgtk2.0-dev
* libgtk1.2-dev
* libgd-dev
* gdk-imlib11
* imlib-progs
* libgd-dev
* libgd2-xpm
* libgd2-noxpm
* python2.4-gd
* libgd2-xpm-dev
* subversion
* sudo



# This is the starting point and confirms you are located in your home directory

$ pwd



# This downloads the necessary files to your computer, which will be used to compile or build the server

$ svn co https://crossfire.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/crossfire/server/trunk server.svn
$ svn co https://crossfire.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/crossfire/maps/trunk maps.svn
$ svn co https://crossfire.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/crossfire/arch/trunk arch.svn



# This confirms that you are still in your home directory

$ pwd

# Now change directory (hence the cd) to the directory that contains the server files

$ cd server.svn

# This confirms that you are in the server directory

$ pwd

# This step "links" two directories to each other which makes the compile process more automated

$ sudo ln -s maps /home/<username>/maps.svn

# This step "links" two directories to each other which makes the compile process more automated and
# is used by the server once Crossfire server is up and running.
# This links the server to the map files which you downloaded earlier.

$ sudo ln -s /home/<username>/maps.svn /usr/games/crossfire/share/crossfire/maps

# Now change directory (hence the cd) to the directory that contains the library files

$ cd lib

# Double check that you are in the correct directory

$ pwd

# This step "links" two directories to each other which makes the compile process more automated.
# This links the arch or archetype files to the server files which you downloaded earlier. 

$ ln -s /home/<username>/arch.svn ./arch

# Go back another directory

$ cd ..

# Double check that you are in the correct directory

$ pwd



# Now you are going to begin the compile process

$ sudo ./configure && make && make install

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Old Revision: none
New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/crossfire_compile_guide

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