[Crossfire-wiki] [Crossfire DokuWiki] page changed: cfdialog

no-reply_wiki at metalforge.org no-reply_wiki at metalforge.org
Sun Oct 28 09:55:37 CDT 2007

A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2007/10/28 09:55
User        : ryo
Edit Summary: update

@@ -15,17 +15,21 @@
  ''from CFDialog import DialogRule, Dialog''
  Then, you can go to the dialogs themselves. A dialog is made of
  several rules. Each rule is made of keywords, preconditions,
- postconditions, and answers.
+ postconditions, answers and pre/postfunction.
    * **Keywords** are what the rule will be an answer to. For example, if you want a rule to be triggered when the player will say "hi", then "hi" is the keyword to use. You can associate more than a keyword to a rule by concatenating them with the "|" character. Finally, "*" is a special keyword that means: "match everything". "*" is useful to provide generic answers.
    * **Answers** are what will be said when the rule is triggered. This is what the NPC replies to the player. Answers are stored in a list. When there is more than one answer in that list, one will be selected at random.
    * **Preconditions** are flags that must match for the rule to be triggered. Each precondition has a name and a value. The default value of a precondition is "0". The flags are stored into each player, and will survive between gaming sessions. They are useful to set the point in a dialog reached by a player - you can see those as an "NPC memory". All conditions must have a name and a value. The ":" and ";" characters are forbidden. For a rule to be triggered, all the player's flags should match the preconditions. If you give "*" as the value for a precondition, it means that there is no need to match it. A precondition is a list in the form: [key, value]. All preconditions are stored in a list. Note that you can use any string you want for the condition values, provided it doesn't contain ";" or ":".
    * **Postconditions** are the status changes to apply to the player's conditions after the rule has been triggered. Their format is similar to preconditions. A value of "*" means that the condition will not be touched.
+   * A **prefunction** is an optional callback function that will be called when a rule's preconditions are all matched, but before the rule is validated.  The callback can do additional tests, and should return 1 to allow the rule
+    to be selected, 0 to block the rule. The function arguments are the player and the actual rule being tested.
+   * A **postfunction** is an optional callback that is called when a rule has been applied, and after the message is said. It can do additional custom .processing. The function arguments are the player and the actual rule having been used.
  Once you have defined your rules, you have to assemble them into a dialog. Each dialog involves somebody who triggers it, somebody who answers, and has a unique name so it cannot be confused with other dialogs.
  Typically, the "one who triggers" will be the player, and the "one who answers" is an NPC the player was taking to. You are free to chose whatever you want for the dialog name, as long as it contains no space or special characters, and is not used by another dialog. You can then add the rules you created to the dialog. Rules are parsed in a given order, so you must add the most generic answer last.
@@ -114,5 +118,4 @@
   * The conversation state is stored in your player file.  For example:
    $ grep -ri test_grandpa var
    var/crossfire/players/Player/Player.pl:dialog_test_grandpa_01 hello:1

IP-Address  :
Old Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/cfdialog?rev=1187764447
New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/cfdialog

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