[Crossfire-wiki] [Crossfire DokuWiki] page changed: player_commands

no-reply_wiki at metalforge.org no-reply_wiki at metalforge.org
Sun Jan 13 19:49:06 CST 2008

A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2008/01/13 19:49
User        : eracc
Edit Summary: 

@@ -135,8 +135,14 @@
  To control your golem, just press the  fire key in the direction you want your golem to move.  Your golem will then start moving in that direction, and keep moving in that direction until you change its direction.
  Note that once you leave the map that the golem is on, the golem will  disappear.  Also, once you select another spell to cast, or change your range type, your golem will disappear.
+ ==== gsay ====
+ Gsay sends a message to all members of your current [[player_commands#party]].
+ Gsay usage:
+   * 'gsay [Message that you want all party members to see]
  ==== invoke ====
  The invoke command is used  to cast a spell immediately, or when it is necessary to give a parameter to the spell.  Invoke will not set the range weapon.
@@ -193,13 +199,11 @@
  mark without options shows your currently marked item.
  usage is as follows:
-   mark sword +3
-   mark three torches
-   mark sword
+   * mark sword +3
+   * mark three torches
+   * mark sword
  mark will look for best match first, and then look for matches based on shortened name, object name, archetype name. It prints the match it finds.
  ==== melee ====
@@ -259,35 +263,35 @@
  ==== party ====
-   party join partyname
+   * party join partyname
  Puts you in a party, prompts you for a passwd if there is one
-   party form partyname
+   * party form partyname
  Forms a party and puts you as leader, 32 character max. At the moment, being party leader does nothing.  May be used in the future.
-   party list
+   * party list
  Lists currently formed parties and their 'leader'
-   party passwd <password>
+   * party passwd <password>
  Changes the passwd for the party you are in, 8 character max.
-   party who
+   * party who
  lists the members of the party you are in
-   party say <msg>
+   * party say <msg>
  sends messsage to party members. One may also use [[player_commands#gsay]] instead.
-   party leave
- takes you out of current party
+   * party leave
+ takes you out of current party
  ==== peaceful ====
  The 'peaceful' command will switch you between peaceful and hostile attack modes.

IP-Address  :
Old Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/player_commands?rev=1200274971
New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/player_commands

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