[Crossfire-wiki] [Crossfire DokuWiki] page changed: cfequip.cpp

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Wed Apr 29 14:19:44 CDT 2009

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Date        : 2009/04/29 14:19
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Edit Summary: Content moved to client_side_scripting:cfequip.cpp

@@ -1,351 +1 @@
- <code>
- /* cfequip.cpp
-  * $Id: cfequip.cpp,v 1.3 2005/12/01 23:11:02 tbrown Exp $
-  * Author: Terry Brown
-  * Created: Tue Nov 29 2005
-  */
- /*
- Bugs, contact:
-   terry_n_brown at yahoo.com
- To compile:
-    g++ cfequip.cpp -o cfequip
- To run from within the client:
-    script /path/to/cfequip
- Commands to script from client:
- (replace '1' with the number of the script if more than one running,
- use client command 'scripts' to list)
- scripttell 1 cfe file <filename>
-   set the file for storing / reading equipment sets
- scripttell 1 cfe store <name>
- save current equipment set as <name> (use a single word)
-   the file is written every time you use this command, so there's no need
-   to save before you quit
- scripttell 1 cfe use <name> 
-   equip the equipment set <name>
- scripttell 1 cfe list
-   list known equipment sets
- scripttell 1 cfe quit
-   quit the script - not really necessary
- Equipment needs unique names, e.g. "shoes +1" might be confused with
- "red shoes +1" - just rename the items as needed.
- Containers behave oddly, because "apply -u bag" opens rather than drops
- an active but non-open bag.
- */
- #include <vector>
- #include <map>
- #include <iostream>  
- #include <fstream>
- using namespace std;
- #define inv_col_flag 6 // request items inv returns multiple columns, with
-                        // flags in column inv_col_flag
- #define inv_col_name 8 // and the name starting in column inv_col_name
- #define flag_equip 8   // the flags value to test for being equipped
- #define red "draw 3 "  // see crossfire-client-1.8.0/common/newclient.h NDI_RED
- #define blue "draw 5 "
- // make a string of words into a vector of words
- vector<string> stringToVector(const string &s);
- // class the handle equipment sets
- class EquipmentSets 
- {
- public:
-   void setfile(const string &fn);  // set the file sets are stored in
-   void store(const string &name);  // store current equipment as set <name>
-   void use(const string &name);    // equip equipment set <name>
-   void list();                     // list stored equipment sets
- private:
-   typedef map<string, vector<string> > eSets;
-   eSets m_dat;
-   string m_fn;
-   bool load(const string &fn);
-   void save(const string &fn);
- };
- void EquipmentSets::setfile(const string &fn)
- {
-   m_fn = fn;
-   m_dat.clear();
-   if (!load(m_fn))
-     {
-       cout << red << "Couldn't open '" << m_fn 
- 	   << "', will create on first"
- 	   << " cfe_store command (if writeable)\n";
-     }
-   else
-     {
-       cout << blue << "Loaded " << m_fn << "\n";
-       list();
-     }
- }
- bool EquipmentSets::load(const string &fn)
- {
-   ifstream in(fn.c_str(), ios::in);
-   if (!in)
-     {
-       return false;
-     }
-   m_dat.clear();
-   string c;
-   while (in.good())
-     {
-       string l;
-       getline(in, l);
-       if (l.length() < 1)
- 	{
- 	  break;
- 	}
-       if (l[0] != '\t')
- 	{
- 	  c = l;
- 	  cout << blue << "Set '" << c << "'\n";
- 	}
-       else
- 	{
- 	  m_dat[c].push_back(l.substr(1));
- 	  cout << blue << l << "'\n";
- 	}
-     }
-   return true;
- }
- void EquipmentSets::save(const string &fn)
- {
-   ofstream out(fn.c_str(), ios::out);
-   if (!out)
-     {
-       cout << red << "ERROR - couldn't write to '"
- 	   << fn << "'\n"; 
-       return;
-     }
-   for (eSets::const_iterator i = m_dat.begin();
-        i != m_dat.end(); i++)
-     {
-       out << (*i).first << "\n";
-       for (vector<string>::const_iterator j = (*i).second.begin();
- 	   j != (*i).second.end(); j++)
- 	{
- 	  out << "\t" << *j << "\n";
- 	}
-     }
- }
- void EquipmentSets::list()
- {
-   cout << blue << m_dat.size() << " sets loaded\n";
-   for (eSets::const_iterator i = m_dat.begin();
-        i != m_dat.end(); i++)
-     {
-       cout << blue << (*i).first << "\n";
-     }
- }
- void EquipmentSets::store(const string &s)
- {
-   m_dat[s].clear();
-   cout << "request items inv\n";
-   string l;
-   while (getline(cin, l))
-     {
-       vector<string> r = stringToVector(l);
-       if (r[3] == "end")
- 	{
- 	  break;
- 	}
-       if  (r[0]+r[1]+r[2] == ("request" "items" "inv") )
- 	{
- 	  int flags = atol(r[inv_col_flag].c_str());
- 	  if (flags & flag_equip) 
- 	    {
- 	      string item = "";
- 	      string comma = "";
- 	      for (unsigned int i = inv_col_name; i < r.size(); i++)
- 		{
- 		  item = item + comma + r[i];
- 		  comma = " ";
- 		}
- 	      cout << blue << item << "\n";
- 	      m_dat[s].push_back(item);
- 	    }
- 	}
-     }
-   save(m_fn);
-   cout << blue << "saved\n";
- }
- void EquipmentSets::use(const string &s)
- {
-   if (m_dat.find(s) == m_dat.end())
-     {
-       cout << red << "Can't find set '" << s << "'\n";
-       list();
-       return;
-     }
-   cout << blue << "use " << s << " (" << m_dat[s].size() << " items)\n";
-   cout << "request items inv\n";
-   string l;
-   while (getline(cin, l))
-     {
-       vector<string> r = stringToVector(l);
-       if (r[3] == "end")
- 	{
- 	  break;
- 	}
-       if  (r[0]+r[1]+r[2] == ("request" "items" "inv") )
- 	{
- 	  int flags = atol(r[inv_col_flag].c_str());
- 	  if (flags & flag_equip) 
- 	    {
- 	      string item = "";
- 	      string comma = "";
- 	      for (unsigned int i = inv_col_name; i < r.size(); i++)
- 		{
- 		  item = item + comma + r[i];
- 		  comma = " ";
- 		}
- 	      // cout << blue << item << "\n";
- 	      cout << "issue 1 1 apply -u " << item << "\n";
- 	    }
- 	}
-     }
-   for (vector<string>::const_iterator j = (m_dat[s]).begin();
-        j != m_dat[s].end(); j++)
-     {
-       cout << "issue 1 1 apply -a " << *j << "\n";
-     }
- }
- vector<string> stringToVector(const string &s)
- {
-   vector<string> ans;
-   string part;
-   for (unsigned int i=0; i < s.length(); i++)
-     {
-       if (s[i] > ' ')
- 	{
- 	  part += s[i];
- 	}
-       else
- 	{
- 	  if (part.length() > 0)
- 	    {
- 	      ans.push_back(part);
- 	    }
- 	  part = "";
- 	}
-     }
-   if (part.length() > 0)
-     {
-       ans.push_back(part);
-     }
-   return ans;
- }
- int main()
- {
-   string s;
-   cout << blue << "Starting cfequip\n";
-   cout << blue << "================\n";
-   cout << blue << "\n";
-   cout << blue << "Supply equipment set file name with:\n";
-   cout << blue << "  scripttell 1 cfe file <filename>\n";
-   cout << blue << "Other commands:\n";
-   cout << blue << "  scripttell 1 cfe list - list known equipment sets\n";
-   cout << blue << "  scripttell 1 cfe quit - end script\n";
-   cout << blue << "  scripttell 1 cfe store <name> - store current equipment as <name>\n";
-   cout << blue << "  scripttell 1 cfe use <name> - equip equipment set <name>\n";
-   EquipmentSets es;
-   while (cin.good())
-     {
-       getline(cin, s);
-       vector<string> r = stringToVector(s);
-       if  (r[0] + r[2] == ("scripttell" "cfe") )
- 	{
- 	  if (r.size() == 5 && r[3] == "file")
- 	    {
- 	      es.setfile(r[4]);
- 	    }
- 	  else if (r.size() == 4 && r[3] == "quit")
- 	    {
- 	      cout << blue << "cfequip quitting\n";
- 	      cout.flush();
- 	      return 0;
- 	    }
- 	  else if (r.size() == 4 && r[3] == "list")
- 	    {
- 	      es.list();
- 	    }
- 	  else if (r.size() == 5 && r[3] == "store")
- 	    {
- 	      es.store(r[4]);
- 	    }
- 	  else if (r.size() == 5 && r[3] == "use")
- 	    {
- 	      es.use(r[4]);
- 	    }
- 	  else 
- 	    {
- 	      cout << red << "invalid cfe command\n";
- 	    }
- 	} 
-       cout.flush();
-     }
-   return 0;
- }
- </code>

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