[Crossfire-wiki] [Crossfire DokuWiki] page changed: user:kbulgrien

no-reply_wiki at metalforge.org no-reply_wiki at metalforge.org
Thu May 14 03:04:46 CDT 2009

A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2009/05/14 03:04
User        : kbulgrien
Edit Summary: Replace the svn-up.sh script with a download link to invidious.

@@ -58,73 +58,28 @@
      A client checkout with --release gets arch and server too.
- This script is only used for SVN clients of a lower version number than 1.5, or when a non-sparse checkout is used.
+ This script is only used for SVN clients of a lower version number than 1.5, or when a non-sparse checkout is used.  It is available for download from [[http://invidious.meflin.net/~kbulgrien/files/svn-up.sh|invidious.meflin.net]].
-   #!/bin/bash
-   #
-   # A Crossfire RPG project SVN checkout utility.
-   #
-   # $RCSfile: svn-up.sh,v $ $Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2009/05/13 03:28:08 $
-   #
-   # Determine what to checkout based on the command-line parameters and whether
-   # or not we are in an rpmbuild directory or not.  jxclient and metaserver
-   # areas are not applicable to the rpmbuild processes.
-   #
-   if [ "$(pwd)" = "$(pwd | sed -e s/rpmbuild//)" ]
-   then
-     allmodules="arch client jxclient maps metaserver server sounds"
-   else
-     allmodules="arch client maps server sounds"
-   fi
-   branchmodules="arch client maps server"
+ Create the desired development directory first, then run the script to checkout.  For example:
+   $ cd /home/devel/crossfire
+   $ bash svn-co.sh --trunk --all
+ Built-in help shows:
+   Usage:
+     svn-up.sh \
+       { --client | --server | --all } \
+       { --trunk | --branch=1.xx } \
+       [ --release ]
-   if [ "${1}" = "trunk" ]
-   then
-     COTYPE="trunk"
-     shift 1
-   elif [ "${1}" = "branch" ]
-   then
-     COTYPE="branches/"
-     if [ -z "${2}" ]
-     then
-       echo -e "\nsvn-co.sh: Error: Specify branch version.\n"
-       exit 1;
-     else
-       COTYPE="branches/${2}"
-       allmodules="${branchmodules}"
-     fi
-     shift 2
-   else
-     echo -e "\nsvn-co.sh: Error: Usage:\n"
-     echo -e "  svn-co.sh trunk"
-     echo -e "  svn-co.sh branch 1.xx"
-     echo -e "    where xx = the branch number.\n"
-     exit 1;
-   fi
+     Where:
+       xx is the branch number
-   CWD=$(pwd)
-   for co in ${allmodules}
-   do
-     WORKING="${co}/${COTYPE}"
-     if [ -d ${CWD}/${WORKING} ]
-     then
-       echo; echo ${WORKING}; echo
-       cd ${CWD}/${WORKING}
-       svn update
-       cd ${CWD}
-     fi
-   done
-   if [ "${COTYPE}" != "trunk" ]
-   then
-     WORKING="sounds/trunk}"
-     echo; echo ${WORKING}; echo
-     cd ${CWD}/${WORKING}
-     svn update
-     cd ${CWD}
-   fi
-   echo
+     A client update with --release updates arch and server too.
  =====Configure Scripts=====

IP-Address  :
Old Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/user:kbulgrien?rev=1242287116
New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/user:kbulgrien

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