[Crossfire-wiki] [Crossfire DokuWiki] page changed: crossfire_compile_guide

no-reply_wiki at metalforge.org no-reply_wiki at metalforge.org
Fri Aug 20 11:53:57 CDT 2010

A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2010/08/20 11:53
User        : neodeno
Edit Summary: 

@@ -230,45 +230,45 @@
  \\ == Revision 2010 Aug == (still being tested)
  \\ crossfire-server will not run as root, but the above installation instructions make a var directory owned by root, so it will not be writable and the server cannot save player information, scores, etc... if you follow the instructions as presented.  The easiest fix is to make a directory var somewhere that is writable by the user that will be running crossfire then symbolically link /usr/games/crossfire/var to this directory.  As an example, you can make a user and group games (they already exist in most linux distributions) and then install a crossfire var directory in your system /var as follows:
- \\ 
- \\ $ sudo mkdir /var/games         # probably already exists
- \\ $ cd /usr/games/crossfire/var
- \\ $ tar cf - . | ( cd /var/games/ ; sudo tar xf - )
- \\ $ sudo rm -fr crossfire   # make sure you're still in the /usr/games/crossfire/var directory!
- \\ $ sudo ln -s /var/games/crossfire crossfire
- \\ 
+ <code sh>
+ $ sudo mkdir /var/games         # probably already exists
+ $ cd /usr/games/crossfire/var
+ $ tar cf - . | ( cd /var/games/ ; sudo tar xf - )
+ $ sudo rm -fr crossfire   # make sure you're still in the /usr/games/crossfire/var directory!
+ $ sudo ln -s /var/games/crossfire crossfire
+ </code>
  \\ The next part sets permissions on /var/games/crossfire to allow user and group writing by the games user and group.  Comment indicates a variation that allows user, but not group, writing
- \\ 
- \\ $ cd /var/games
- \\ $ sudo chown -R games.games crossfire
- \\ $ sudo chmod -R ug+rwX crossfire         # sudo chmod -R u+rwX crossfire 
- \\ $ sudo chmod -R o-w crossfire            # sudo chmod -R og-w crossfire
- \\ 
+ <code sh>
+ $ cd /var/games
+ $ sudo chown -R games.games crossfire
+ $ sudo chmod -R ug+rwX crossfire         # sudo chmod -R u+rwX crossfire 
+ $ sudo chmod -R o-w crossfire            # sudo chmod -R og-w crossfire
+ </code>
  \\ The next command locks the group of newly created files to 'games', only really useful if you chose the option to allow group 'games' to write to the var directory.  I like this because it allows me to run the server as either user games or as myself if I am a member of group games, and don't need to remember which to run it as.  If I run it from the command line I may not always remember to change to user games before executing the server.  Again from directory /var/games do
- \\ 
- \\ $ sudo chmod g+s crossfire
- \\ $ sudo find ./crossfire -type d -exec chmod g+s '{}' \;
- \\ 
+ <code sh>
+ $ sudo chmod g+s crossfire
+ $ sudo find ./crossfire -type d -exec chmod g+s '{}' \;
+ </code>
  \\ Now you want a crossfire executable somewhere in your path.  This can be in your home directory, but I'll put it in /usr/local/bin because that's where I have executable for crossfire SVN client located already:
- \\ 
- \\ $ sudo ln -s ../../games/crossfire/bin/crossfire-server /usr/local/bin/crossfire
- \\ 
+ <code sh>
+ $ sudo ln -s ../../games/crossfire/bin/crossfire-server /usr/local/bin/crossfire
+ </code>
  \\ Alternatively, you can add /usr/games/crossfire/bin to your path.
  \\ Then invoke the server with either crossfire (if you made the link) or with crossfire-server (if you added the bin directory to your path).
- \\ These directions work with the default SVN server install and config as of 18 Aug 10.  There's currently an error message that looks like this:
+ \\ These directions work with the default SVN trunk server install and config as of 18 Aug 10.  There's currently an error message that looks like this:
  \\ 10/08/18 19:49:35 [Info]    Warning: Unable to open /usr/games/crossfire/var/crossfire/accounts [No such file or directory]
  \\ This can be fixed by creating a symlink in /var/games/crossfire
- \\ 
- \\ $ cd /var/games/crossfire
- \\ $ sudo ln -s account accounts
- \\ $ sudo chown games.games accounts
- \\ 
+ <code sh>
+ $ cd /var/games/crossfire
+ $ sudo ln -s account accounts
+ $ sudo chown games.games accounts
+ </code>
  ===== Microsoft (c) Windows =====
  The following tools are used to compile the server:
    * Microsoft Visual Studio 6 (service pack 4 probably). Server has not been tested with other versions.
    * flex, from [[http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/flex.htm]].

IP-Address  :
Old Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/crossfire_compile_guide?rev=1282176075
New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/crossfire_compile_guide

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