[Crossfire-wiki] [Crossfire DokuWiki] page changed: world:newbieshouse

no-reply_wiki at metalforge.org no-reply_wiki at metalforge.org
Wed Jun 8 14:44:39 CDT 2011

A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2011/06/08 14:44
User        : khaleh
Edit Summary: 

@@ -61,18 +61,21 @@
  <box green | Sigmund:>Some objects in Crossfire react to 'Applying'. To [[:player_commands#apply]] an object (lever, sign, ...), stand above it and type '[[:player_commands#apply]]'. This applies the object.  Of course, it might be quite cumbersome to do that again and again. The easiest way to [[:player_commands#apply]] is to use a binding in the client. Do you want to learn about that?</box>
  ====  ====
  [[:player_commands#say]] yes
  <box green | Sigmund:>Binding is a way to associate a keyboard key with a Crossfire action.  Lots of actions are available in Crossfire. Use the '[[:player_commands#help]] commands' to learn about them. To bind the command '[[:player_commands#apply]]', type '[[:player_commands#bind]] [[:player_commands#apply]]' then hit the key you want to use to apply things with. Various Crossfire clients provide a custom menu to easily manipulate bindings. There is also a set of default keybindings.</box>
  ===== Doors and keys =====
- New quest started: Getting Past Locked Doors
- New objective for the quest 'Getting Past Locked Doors':
- I must open the first door, which uses a standard key, I can either use one of the keys beside the door, or I can attempt to break it down or I can use my lockpicking skill do open it. The sign beside the door will tell me how to do this.
+ You go south and enter the area to the east. When you enter the Sign "Doors and keys." you get the following message:
+    New quest started: Getting Past Locked Doors
+    New objective for the quest 'Getting Past Locked Doors':
+    I must open the first door, which uses a standard key, I can either use one of the keys beside the door, or I can
+    attempt to break it down or I can use my lockpicking skill do open it. The sign beside the door will tell me how to
+    do this.
+ You started your first quest. For more information on Quests type '[[:player_commands#quest]], '[[:player_commands#quest]] list and [[:player_commands#quest]] info 1. Every time you want to know about the Status and Objectives of a Quest you can get that information by typing '[[:player_commands#quest]] info <number>.
  This will become an exhaustive walkthrough through the Newbieshouse, aka Beginners house in the Starting map selector of the Character creation.
  Currently it's under Construction

IP-Address  :
Old Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/world:newbieshouse?rev=1307536572
New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/world:newbieshouse

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