[Crossfire-wiki] [Crossfire DokuWiki] page added: crossfire_compile_guide_script

no-reply_wiki at metalforge.org no-reply_wiki at metalforge.org
Fri Jun 10 16:43:56 CDT 2011

A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2011/06/10 16:43
User        : meflin
Edit Summary: created

#!/usr/bin/env bash

die() {
        echo "Error: $@" >&2
        exit 1

checkout_or_up() {
        if [[ ! -d "${1}.svn" ]]; then
                svn co https://crossfire.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/crossfire/"$1"/trunk "${1}.svn"
                ( cd "${1}.svn" && svn up )

export CFLAGS="-O0 -ggdb3"
export PATH="/usr/local:$PATH"
cd || die "Couldn't go to home"
checkout_or_up arch || die "Checkout arch failed"
checkout_or_up server || die "Checkout server failed"
checkout_or_up maps || die "Checkout maps failed"

cd server.svn/ || die "Couldn't change directory to server.svn"
#patch -R -p0 -i ../automess.patch
[[ -e /usr/games/crossfire ]] || ( echo "/usr/games/crossfire does not exsist create this directory and make sure it is owned by this user as root" &&\
        echo " mkdir -p /usr/games/crossfire &&  chown "`whoami`"."`whoami`" /usr/games/crossfire/" && echo "" &&\
        echo "If you want server loging run this command as root" &&\
        echo " mkdir -p /var/log/crossfire &&  chown "`whoami`"."`whoami`" /var/log/crossfire/" && echo "" &&\
        echo "when this is done re-run his script" ) 
[[ -e /usr/games/crossfire ]] || exit 1

[[ -e lib/arch ]] || (cd lib && ln -s ../../arch.svn arch )
[[ -e maps ]] || ( ln -s ../maps.svn maps )
[[ -e /usr/games/crossfire/share/crossfire ]] || ( mkdir -p /usr/games/crossfire/share/crossfire )
[[ -e /usr/games/crossfire/share/crossfire/maps ]] || ( ln -s ~//maps.svn /usr/games/crossfire/share/crossfire/maps )

[[ -e macros/libtool.m4 ]] || ( bash autogen.sh )                                                                                                            
##uncoment if you are using a special build of automes like required on centos5                                                                              
#[[ -f macros/libtool.m4 ]] || cp /usr/share/aclocal/libtool.m4 macros/                                                                                      
#/usr/local/bin/autoreconf --install || die "Autoreconf failed"                                                                                              
autoreconf --install || die "Autoreconf failed"                                                                                                              
[[ -f Makefile ]] && make distclean                                                                                                                          
#export CFLAGS=-DEXP_DEBUG                                                                                                                                   
./configure || die "Configure failed"                                                                                                                        
cd lib || die "Couldn't change directory to lib"                                                                                                             
make collect || die "Make collect failed"                                                                                                                    
cd .. || die "Couldn't change directory to back up from lib"                                                                                                 
nice -n 19 make -j 4 || die "Server compile failed"                                                                                                          
#Uncomment if you want to save old servers for debuging core files                                                                                           
cp /usr/games/crossfire/bin/crossfire-server /usr/games/crossfire/bin/`date +%F`-crossfire-server
make install || die "Make install failed"
make check
#remove varios things here
rm -f /usr/games/crossfire/lib/crossfire/plugins/citylife*
rm -f /usr/games/crossfire/lib/crossfire/plugins/*darcap*
rm -f /usr/games/crossfire/share/crossfire/maps/python/*pyc

echo ""
echo "If the compile did not end in errors"
echo "Your crossfire server has been installed in /usr/games/crossfire/bin/"
echo "Running crossfire processes"
echo ""

ps -ef | grep crossfire

echo $'\a \a'

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Old Revision: none
New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/crossfire_compile_guide_script

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