[Crossfire-wiki] [Crossfire DokuWiki] page changed: user:leaf

no-reply_wiki at metalforge.org no-reply_wiki at metalforge.org
Fri Nov 1 16:22:54 CDT 2013

A page in your DokuWiki was added or changed. Here are the details:

Date        : 2013/11/01 16:22
User        : leaf
Edit Summary: Updated with role information, side projects

@@ -11,12 +11,11 @@
    * First and foremost, Administration with the following:
      * Mailinglists
        * Crossfire Announcement list
        * Crossfire Development list
+       * Crossfire SVN list
      * Wiki
        * One of the wiki Admins and server host
-       * crossfire.real-time.com -- Webmaster and server host
-       * www.metalforge.net -- Webmaster and server host
      * Webforum
        * Webmaster, one of the forum Admins and server host
      * Server crossfire.metalforge.net (aka Metalforge)
        * One of the server DMs and server host
@@ -25,8 +24,9 @@
        * Admin and host for server bots Scribe and Seer
      * Websites
        * crossfire.real-time.com -- Webmaster and server host
        * www.metalforge.net -- Webmaster and server host
+       * www.crossfireatlas.net -- Webmaster and server host
      * Crossfire project at SourceForge
        * Assistant Admin -- My role includes:
          * Setting up SVN access, and adding project members, for map development
          * Crossfire SVN mailing list administration
@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@
          * I'm **not** involved with the IRC bot, cfbot - that is another channel Op =-)
      * A few other things that I am probably forgetting
- More recently, I have started on Map development.  
+ Areas of Map development.  
      * I am focusing mostly on fixing issues and improving existing maps
      * I also review new maps that are submitted to the Maps mailing list or uploaded to SourceForge's Patch area
@@ -55,15 +55,9 @@
  ===== My TODO List =====
  In no particular order...  
-   * Add more features to the Python based Guild Templates
-     * Add a new level or area that contains teleporters to other areas within the game
-     * Add a new level or area that is themed or unique to each cult's altar (ex: underground theme for Mostrai's altar)
-     * Improve the basement map since it contains features no one has been able to understand their intent (ex: kennels)
-   * Mapper template improvements
-     * Update the output templates to use HTML format that is more easier to customize with CSS
+   * I am working on migrating and merging the branch project (/maps/branches/lalo-pupland) of Pup Land in to Big World
    * Spell Report
      * Assemble a sortable table of all existing spells in Crossfire showing the spells level, school or path, 'kind' (cone, exploding ball, bullet, etc.) and attack type (anything else?) so that developers can see where there are gaps in available spells
@@ -82,10 +76,8 @@
    * World map clean up - try and add some natural flow and consistency to the terrain of the world map
    * Necessary graphics/files so that all ground tiles support smoothing
-   * Update river graphic with animation (in all possible flow directions) with smoothing
    * Outline for Tutorial Island patch on [[http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2013778&group_id=13833&atid=313833|SourceForge]]

IP-Address  :
Old Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/user:leaf?rev=1298067176
New Revision: http://wiki.metalforge.net/doku.php/user:leaf

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