[CF-Devel] new run and fire mode

Michael Toennies mtx93 at tzi.de
Mon Dec 4 23:26:27 CST 2000


I just do some fine tuning on my client and i include the ALT
key as run key and CTRL as fire key.

I run in some glitches using them.

The problem is, that trigger the key and firing an arrow
for example trigger the auto fire mode of the server.

For all who don't know: There is no way at the moment to
do a single arrow shoot. All times the server do someting like

client do:
fire <direction>       / turns the auto fire mode of the server on
				-> server sends the FIREON flags in the STATS cmd
fire_stop			// server sends this to avoid multiple fire
				-> server sends cleared flags in STATS back
... and so on

If you have some lags, this kills the bow skill. Also, you want shoot a row
assassination arrows. You run in, give out 2-3 fast shots and run away (good
in front of some dragons.)

The same for the clients: run cmd turn automatically on the autorun mode.
Also, the clients
try to track down the server stats. The windows client has none ALT/CTRL use
and the x client
for example use a mix of client stats and server stats to track down the
mode stat.

I want use the ALT key in a way, you can toggle the standard run mode for
the client. If you in "go mode"
, ALT toggle the run. If pressed you run, if you drop it, you hold on.
If you press 'r', you are in autorun mode. ALT then should stop the run, and
if you release, you should
run again in the same direction (or new if you press a different direction).
Same should work with fire mode. Run in, press CTRL, fire 2 times in
direction, release CTRL and run away.
Problem is, that it don't work, if you run. So you cant run in, press CTRL
then, fire 2 times and run away
releasing CTRL.

This all will bring the bow skill and moving/run handling in all in a new
better way.

But the old system with fixed run/fire mode on the server will not serve it!

But its easy to fix!

Skip the run mode / fire mode on the server. Lets it all on client side!
With this, we can handle
the problem!

- We don't need the run mode trigger on the server! In fact, you can skip it
with the client
   today too. Just send all times you have a pressed ALT key or a set
'run_on' a run <direction>
   cmd and let the client run in the direction! run_stop will called in
normal way, but will end the
current run in the current direction (= stop). Also, a simple 'move
<direction> will end it too!
This will avoid cmds, will avoid side effects and all is like before.

- Same for fire mode. fire <direction> always toggle the fire_on on the
server, so you need to send
a fire_stop before you can do anything different. Skip this. Then you can
run in, fire and run out.

Plus, if the server gets a run <direction> followed by a fire <direction>
the server should stop moving
and fire the arrow in the direction.

There is no real need for the fire mode, where you stand and fire fast as
possible, except praying.

Bow skill should do more damage, this nail the character on a place and fire
like a maschine gun
in all directions is a bad style to play. The game is growing above this.

If we change it in the way i describe, we can make the moving/firing thing
much more exact and
better to handle, also we can speed up things a little bit. If you has a
lag, the single fire
mode is a real pain in all asses.

Also, it will make client handling of running and firing much more clearer
and easier.



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