[CF-Devel] (Fwd) Crossfire

Mark Wedel mwedel at scruz.net
Sat Dec 9 02:09:49 CST 2000

Andreas Vogl wrote:
      What are we waiting for? I´d say Yes, yes and yes!
      The site <
      > is a nice
      one too.
      If I understand it correctly, they provide a link to our
      main site (crossfire.real-time.com) and we can post updates
      to their "latest news" column. Quite cool.
      I´d suggest we set up a table somewhere, listing all sites
      that provide a link to the CF main site. We can increase those
      slowly, depending on the number of players we aim to get.
      I completely agree with Michael T. and Peter M.: Current
      web-presence of CF is about zero. That´s why we got a less than
      moderate amount of players. Getting more players would be *very*
      good for us (More playing fun, more maps, more developers,
      more testers, etc).
      However, the real big "advertising" should start after 1.0 release
      (hopefully soon).
 I don't have a problem with crossfire getting added to new sites.  Who wants to
be the crossfire evangilist?

 Crossfire actually manages to have its own category on yahoo:

 At least the real time page is there.  I think the other pages are out of date.


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