[CF-Devel] troubles with crossedit & libXaw

Andreas Vogl andi.vogl at gmx.net
Sun Dec 17 05:37:41 CST 2000

Pertti Karppinen and me, we both have updated our linux
distributions lately, and we both have troubles with
Crossedit (CE) now.
Pertti K. is using a daily updated debian, me using SuSE 7.0.

The troubles we have is that CE is crashing in various functions
of the Xaw-library. Looks like the latest xaw does no longer
fit for CE. This is *very* bad, since it might affect most, maybe
all up-to-date linux systems.

If there is no way to fix these troubles except downgrading the
Xaw lib, I believe it really is time to re-write CE !
We need a better user-interface anyways, as well as hardcoded
I know that this is very easy to say while much work to do.
But without a well-working editor, no way to get new maps...

Andreas V.


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