[CF-Devel] The Art of ... Cf

Andreas Vogl andi.vogl at gmx.net
Wed Nov 1 06:29:00 CST 2000

On Mi 1.11.00, Micheal Toennies wrote:
      My suggestions are:
      a.) goint to png pictures as default for the next client/server version
      b.) using 24 bit color depth as default
      c.) using of palette tables (see below)
      d.) increase the pictures size of a tile to from 32x32 to 38x38
      e.) include a real sfx interface
Yes, I think we should push development in direction of the pngs.

Furthermore, I also feel an urge to kick the xbms out! If I want to create
a completely new item I have to draw THREE pictures (aargh). Besides,
people have stopped supporting xbms anyways - have you noticed that?
A lot of new xpms/pngs don´t have an xbm counterpart (e.g. bookshelves,
braziers, etc etc). We should take this as indication that it´s time to get
rid of them IMHO...

Color-palettes would really be an advantage. Being able to draw monsters in
different colour-shades... *starts dreaming*... green dragons, black demons,
big-wizards in all elemental colours, *haaah*... =)

b. & d.) Increase size and default-depth of pngs:
No objections, since 95% of the pngs need to be (re-)done anyways.
There´s only one problem remaining: WE NEED AN ARTIST!
Please, anyone who got time, search the web for artist-mailing lists,
ask friends, if neccessary sell your grandmother for an image-set...
whatever. =)

e.) make real sfx:
Do I have to mention how cool this would be? Anyone willing to work on
that - go for it!

Andreas V.


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