[CF-Devel] PR (Partial resistance)

Mark Wedel mwedel at scruz.net
Tue Nov 14 00:05:26 CST 2000

Andreas Vogl wrote:
      Good point. Maybe we should just leave the old style immunities
      working as they do (in the code)? It might be desireable to give
      monsters or non-equipment-items 100% immunities for some reason
      (e.g. make a crystal that cannot burn, etc).
      And what we like to change can be done in the maps and archs.
      For the old-style protections, we can assign a default value as
      Mark proposed.
 A good question that this raises is 'how should an items protected/immunity
value affect its saving throws'?

 A simple solution would be to divide the protection value by 10, and that is
the bonus.  So something that is 100% protected gets a +10 saving throw.  Which
depending on the item, is a pretty good thing.

 Looking at the code right now, I see that if an item is protected or immune to
an attacktype, it can't be destroyed by it.  It also appears an item has no
penalties for being vulnerable to an attacktype.  Doing the protection value /10
fixes that later point, since vulnerable items basically have a negative

      Potions should definitly NOT give 100%, because I don't want to have
      all the work on this patch wasted!
 OTOH, at least potions and spells are temporary abilities.  The objects that
have immune and never go away are really the bad ones.

 I guess the biggest problem with the potions are the fact that with the two
correct potions, you can basically take on most anything at lower levels
(protection fire, protection physical will let you take on a big dragon assuming
you can do damage to it fast enough)

      That is exactly how I feel about it. I'm willing to help with all the
      balancing stuff, but someone must first code the patch... =)
 I had said private to Darth that I may be able to get that done over
thanksgiving holidays (nov 23->26).

      Also, I would be very interested in the exact calculations that we're
      about to use in the PR-patch. How much prot. will a player get for
      wearing an amour with 99% fire resistance? How much % resistance on
      equipment is required to reach 99% as a player? ...
 It has been suggested to basically use the same method that is used for armor. 
The code snippet on that is:


 op is the player/monster.  This gets initialized to the archetype value, which
for all players I believe this is 0.

 So if you have to 50% items, that gives you 75%.  A third one gives you 87%.

 But two 80% items would give you 96% protection.  And two 90% items would give
you 99%.

 Vulnerabilities would have the desired negative effect.  I just wrote a little
program that lets you try different values and gives you the results.  One thing
I notice is that vulnerable (negative values) are very easily offset by positive
values (basically, a 50% protection negates a -100% vulnerability).

 And for example, if you have two 80% protections (which give you 96%
protection), the -100% vulnerability only reduces that to 92% overall.

 Here is the program if anyone else wants to play with it:

#include <stdio.h>
    char buf[256];
    int value=0;

    while (gets(buf)) {
        value += ((100-value)*atoi(buf))/100;
        printf("value now %d\n", value);


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