[CF-Devel] Does gcfclient have a maintainer?

Michael Toennies mtx93 at tzi.de
Tue Nov 21 07:26:11 CST 2000

      > for example at this time we a range of very small cmds, following one
      > action.
      > if you hit some, you get (perhaps)
      > - a draw info
      > - a sound cmd
      > and in some cases
      > - stats cmd (exp)
      > - map cmd
      > Its only an example. What i mean is, that cf got some more complex
      > in the past and more and more features and actions are implemented.
      > And which every feature, some is added.
       As I've said before, there is no compelling reason that the
      number of commands
      that gets sent back and forth need to be reduced.  And
      personally, I find it
      much easier to debug the 4 individual commands than if you had 1
      mega command
      that includes all that stuff.  And in that mega command, you
      really are not
      saving that much space, as you still need to have markers to say
      if you are
      including draw info, stats, sound, etc, and some of those also need legnth
The compelling reason will come in the future, the game grow and the data we
also. I find the idea, to send the triggered cmds of one action as a batch
not so

With the meta server and the dx client, we will got some more players, that
will bring
the some new performance problems. In my opinion the batch question will
come faster
then we think.

Also, there is no "mega command", all what you do is to send the cmds as one
accessing the socket one time, and use the BATCH cmd as a meta tag, telling
the client
nothing more than the data are a row of cmds.

All what you do is, to assemble the normal cmds from the batch and work
through it in the same
way you got them as single cmd from the socket. There is no difference in
debugging or something

A fact is, that if you play with sound and you have some lag like i
yesterday, the game starts to
run creepy because you got the cmds for a action (attacking or opening doors
for example) not exactly,
means you got a message, after some time the sound, etc.

Because a sound need a good timing with your game action, the effect is bad.
This will be avoided if
you send it in a batch.

      > I found some glitches and artifacts how the client works.
      > In old times, the client examine the drawinfo for information.
      > There are still many places where the windows/gcfclient do it.
      > A real real bad part which needs a lifting is the way, the client
      > get the nrof items and the type of items. Both works with some creepy
      > text parsing.
       The code is still there for legacy reasons.  I don't believe the
      server will
      use the older item command anymore, and always uses the item1
      protocol command
      that includes the nrof as a seperate field so the client does not need to
      reverse engineer the name.
Ah yes, i see, i jump in the false routine. Think i access it when i
testing, wrote
it down as glitch.

       If there are any cases were the server is still using the item
      command, that
      should be fixed up.  It may be getting near time to remove all
      the depreciated
      commands and code from the protocol and client, but generally,
      there has not
      been a major reason to do so - they may still provide useful if anyone is
      playing on older servers, and the code pretty much works.
I aggree, but much better is to rip of this artifact and put the useful code
in a oldstuff module, where interested people can use it. There is really
unused and odd stuff in the client, i work through much unused structure
parts or
even double implemented stuff from older versions.

      > The type works with a buggy table, identify only 80% of the items.
      > Also old items like the wizard cloak and 70% of all non standard weapons
      > are identified as type "unknown". Also, gloves for example are
      identified as
      > type "boot"... I don't wear gloves on my foots most times.
       The table can be easily edited at least for the unix client.
      I've generally
      tried to fill in missing types.
       Note that for the unix client at least, the item_types table is
      just used for
      grouping and nothing else.  When making up that table, I did not
      have a problem
      grouping the footware and handware together, since they are
      fairly uncommon
      items.  If its a big deal, it is very easy to change that.
      > For this and for some more it will be useful to make a new version of
      > client, include
      > the SETUP cmd for what the client wants in which way and include more
      > information direct
      > in the cmd, like the item type and nrof.
       nrof is already done - see above.
       item type is sort of odd, in that even on the server, I
      personally think that
      there are many more item types than you might find useful.  Also,
      one thing the
      client does is that the item_types file lets you order where the
      items appear in
      your inventory, so things like containers are at the top,
      followed by weapons,
      armor, etc.
       The item numbers that the server uses are not in any meaningful
      order.  For
      example, here is the order if I extract the entries that may
      actually appear in
      the players inventory:
      #define ROD             3
      #define POTION          5
      #define FOOD            6
      #define POISON          7
      #define BOOK            8
      #define CLOCK           9
      #define ARROW           13
      #define BOW             14
      #define WEAPON          15
      #define ARMOUR          16
      #define SPECIAL_KEY     21
      #define SHIELD          33
      #define HELMET          34
      #define HORN            35
      #define MONEY           36
      #define GRAVESTONE      38
      #define AMULET          39
       And I'll snip it there.  But just for note, WAND is type 109,
      which is no where
      near rod (#3 up there).
       I personally like my wands and rods stuck near each other in the
      Likewise, if you look at the above, the special key type is
      between the armor
      and shields, and gauntlets and boots don't even appear on the list.
       So using the server idea of item numbers if of very limited use
      if you want
      your items sorted together.  Now sure, you could create a mapping
      table in the
      client that sorts these, but you run into the same problem we
      have right now -
      new items get added, and so your mapping table is out of date.
       Also, in some cases, the client should not know about the different item
      types.  For example, a player (client) should not know if the
      item type is food
      or poison.  And in many maps, certain item types are disguised
      with the name &
      image of another item type.  I know that at least one map used a
      shovel as a
      special key - if you could instantly see that shovel was a
      special key, that
      would make things less interesting, and in some maps, it may
      basically ruin the
      quest if you know what the special item happens to be.
       In less than an hour of work, the item_types file for the client
      could be made
      100% complete.  Of course, as new archetypes are added, it may
      get out of date
      again, but the same could be true when new item types are added.
The food and poison food is a good example. What of course the client should
not know is, that one is good food and the other poison. But what it should
know is that booth are from type "TYPE_EATABLE".

The use of the table is really really bad coding. The names and stuff in
there should
not be hard coded in any module! They are generated stuff by the map editor.
What you do
with at runtime generated stuff like "xyz bodypart"?

A real new type like a "leg armor" is something real new, but a new helmet
type armor should not
be identified by name. The type helmet is real, it IS somewhere in the
server stuff defined, because
the server can determinate from all armor type the correct part type, when
you apply a "xxy" helm
he automatically can remove the old one. Same for gauntlets, the server
knows the difference between
shoes and gauntlets. This is, what the client should know because
- the player need the info
- he will get it automatically when he applys a armor type
- Its nonsense that a player should not see/know the difference between a
boot and a gauntlet item
  (except trolls, ok :)

Also your shovel example is false. The client knows about all keys. If a
item is type key and you
have a applied keyring in your inventory, the item is put automatically in
from the server!
This is somewhat annoying in the noble quest where you find the broken
pentagram part or whatever,
because you got the message "you got broken..." but you will not find it in
your inventory because
it is put in your keyring! Cost me a minute to find it and i know 2 newbies
who get confused by
it very much.

Its true what you say, that the way the server handle and using items
including the #define you show
should be hidden from client and player. But the table is the false way,
this information is from the
same matter not for internal client use!

This can be avoided if we define a CLIENT_TYPE_XX. This the type, the
user/client identify the item,
and when we make it smart it is the type that the server can force the
client to know it as it.

I really like my puppy wher eyousee what you have actually applied at the
right place.

All what the client must now are the this:

CLIENT_TYPE_<armor type>
CLIENT_TYPE_<weapon type>          // perhaps we got different weapon skills
in the feature?
CLIENT_TYPE_GEM			// perhaps same as money
CLIENT_TYPE_TOOL			// symbol/lockpick/talisman

The real differences are only known by the server like the poison - food.

      > ** Also, i want much more sound infos. I will do some work in
      it, because i
      > know a friend of
      > me, who has do a lot of sounds for a prof. full prize game. He
      has a bunch
      > of cool sounds for
      > a rp game he don't use and when i ask him and can show him some
      useful way
      > we use it, he will
      > give it us for free!! **
       He has to agree to give us the sounds under the GPL for it to
      acceptable, as
      this is what the rest of the game is under (or I guess we could make an
      alternate sound distribution with a different license).  As I
      said previously,
      sound code in crossfire has really not changed much in a long
      while, and is
      probably one of the more out of date areas.
It should be no problem with it, so lets do some work here in the next time,
it will give us great sounds.

      > What will be very useful when we add more (and more complex) sound
      > actions, is a BATCH cmd!
      > Lets name it BATCH. It works very simple, first value is the
      length of the
      > batch,
      > perhaps next is the number of cmds in the batch (it can avoided
      if we count
      > the length),
      > next the cmd. cmd is still <length> <cmd> <data>.
      > With it, we can easy include a snd cmd for more actions like find traps,
      > disarm traps
      > success/not done/failed and of course color information and
      much more cmds.
       I fail to see how the batch command makes any difference.  IT is
      no different
      than just sending a bunch of commands - all you are doing is
      encapsulating them
      in another layer.  Just send a bunch of sound commands.  the
      result is the same.
Just see my comment above.

      > If we include the new protection code, i strongly prefer to
      show the player
      > the value.
      > Handling it with rod of protection will be a pain in the ass. The player
      > MUST see it,
      > it will be to confusing. I want die i the game because i do bad
      actions, not
      > why i get
      > tired of zapping a rod or counting values.
      > Also, for this we can extend the STAT cmd, drop the drawinfo
      for protection
      > and let the client
      > show/info the player.
       I have no problem extending the stat command when we do the
      partial resistance
      code.  I don't see a big reason to drop the drawinfo message.
      Sure, you may not
      need it, but it doesn't really hurt anything.  Especially if the
      expiration of
      the spell drops your resistance by 10 points - you may not notice
      that in the
      stat, but you may still want to re-cast that protection spell.
No big reason to drop the drawinfo, but when you extend the the stat cmd,
it can be generated on client side, you can drop a cmd and safe some
so why not?

If the client show the stats value, the value can start blinking for 2
seconds in red
for example, if it drops, this will show it very nice to the player. Most
times, you
have extended your protection by spell or potion you do it why you must
fight or do some
action. This will cause often some messages and will make it hard to read.

Also, you are concentrated on map, so you need a fast marker for bad actions
like dropping
resistance in a fight with a dragon... (jik, nothing killed me more).

       It does seem to me that a bit of stuff that perceive self tells
      the player
      should really be known but there is no other way to really find out.  For
      example, many races start with some special ability or another
      (see in dark,
      some level of protection/vulnerability/etc), but there is really
      know way of
      know that fact.
       Likewise, if you gods gives you something or takes it away, you
      would think
      that the character should have that knowledge, but once again,
      save for perceive
      self, there is no way to get that information.
       As time has passed, more information has made it into various
      commands (like
      skills and statistics).  And perceive self seems like it is
      generally a spell
      that is very seldom used.  Is there really anything that perceive
      self tells you
      that is actually useful that shouldn't be common knowledge (at
      least to your
True, for this we need the perceive. I also like not to show the player all
of his
stats, i like the way to hide some special stuff totaly from him, some
hidden but
accessible by perceive.

But some should show the player. Skills exp/lev and protection are the one i
will show the player
because most newbies are confused by this hidden information.

Also, i know some newbies which wants see the points of the next exp level.

This is some stuff for extended info.
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