[CF-Devel] Okay here goes... my thoughts

Peter Mardahl peterm at tesla.EECS.Berkeley.EDU
Sun Oct 8 17:33:14 CDT 2000

      > No, devourers gives no diseases because they don't use "path wounding".
      okay.. I disagree here... Devourers is the god of all things nasty, sure
      something in the disease department? thinking black plague (make little
      mice come out =))
Actually, we don't "disagree".  I was just stating a fact, not how
it SHOULD be.  I've actually got no problem giving Devourers some moderately
powerful disease spells if they need them for balance.  But right now
they get no diseases.

      Have you ever experienced retributive? (ps it was that which killed me not
      face of death). It takes of 100 hp per hit, and there is nothing to
That's the spell you got to shoot at point blank, then blows up like a
fireball?  I've tried it once but I don't use it.  No characters who have it...

      > Chain Lightning would seem to fall under the mage spell umbrella.
      > If you want to code it, we could stick it in the game though.
      yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes! =)
      School finishes in 5 weeks, then I intend to get stuck in >=) I am happy
      to have a shot at this. Chain lighting was the most rad spell in diablo, I
      am think it would be a cross between ball lightning (a crappy spell) and
      normal lightnings. It would chain ever 4 - 10 squares depending on level,
      and what split randomly...
Ball lightning is pretty ineffective, I admit, but it's LOTS of fun.

      > > Most of the other gods are abit tame for my tastes, Ruggillis avatar
      > > rawks.. but no armour really means only my dragon has any use for it at
      > > all.
      > I think that is fine.
      mmmmmmmmmm, well, Rugilli is one of the most 'powerful' and yet only
      one/two really can use it? nah! There has to be something that can be
      done?? I am thinking maybe super fast regen? prot phys as well?
      something... *cries* (Come on.. it has the best name.. surely something
      can be done =))
Well, Rugilli is really a god for Dragons.  Read the mythology.
But my word isn't final, I'm not the God of Crossfire.  But we
don't want it to ROCK too hard, gotta have balance.

      > > Characters.
      > > 
      > > Well my only few gripes are, Quetzecoatls get REALLY jibbed at high
      > Yeah, I realize that, and so are the Fireborn, to an even greater extent.
      > I've already addressed this to some degree in my proposal to do a
      > class/race split that I sent yesterday.  Will you read it and comment?
      > I compensate Fireborn and Quetzalcoatls for their drawbacks by giving
      > extra net stats and some special abilities.
      yes yes yes.... I read it and I agree.. they need stat advantages not dis
      ads.. did you read my stuff about girdles etc? I think that might REALLY
      help too... 
Problem is, those things count as armor.  :(  I'd have to go muck about in
the code to except them specifically.  When I made them I wanted them
to be able to use SOME things, like shields, bracers, and girdles, as
you say.  But going and fixing all those things was too much of a task
for me at the time so I decided it was a "feature".  Even now I'd rather
fix it by adding extra stats then hacking THAT.

      > > Wraith is neat, perhaps immune to disease would be nice in there?
      > Done already in the CVS repository by adding "undead 1" to the wraithplayer
      > archetype.  I removed "protected physical" as compensation, and added
      > "immune poison".  (All of which makes sense for a wraith).
      okay, yes undead should defn be immune poison.. but slower... ? the wraith
      in Feist moves so slow you can almost out walk it... and they get canned
      by light? all that could be worked..
Bah.  It's no damned fun to move a player around that moves like molassas.
I'm damned if I'm going to make them slow.  No way.  Keeping them fun is
more important than ANYTHING else.

      ps are wraiths affected by holyword? if they are now undead I spose they
      are? perhaps abit more warning on the effects of killing players with holy
      word should be put up? I accidently killed a player called Fizban with it
      once (sorry Fizzy) and I found you lose ALL your exp.
I suppose I could warn about the effect of holy word on the undead when
a Wraith is made.  However, I also had intended to make holy work NOT
always work on undead.  Why should EVERY religion get something which
works on undead?  :(

      > Demonlords are weak anyway.
      *cough* HELLFIRE? *cough*
It's just an invisible fireball.  It's not even much bigger than a medium
fireball.  Unless someone turned it up.

      I don't use Valriel.. it is wimpy god... anyway.. that doesn't work
      against balrogs and Greater demons...
It doesn't?  Hmm.  Maybe I just meteor stormed those.  I didn't have much
trouble getting past those either.

      mmm could we do something.. perhaps turn them into a completely different
      breed of dragon? (hell dragon? emerald dragon (play around with palette))
Yeah, I like that idea.  "Baby dragon" is just WRONG.  Those suckers are
MEAN (which is reflected, actually, in my dragon style maps.).  I was
considering calling them "Salamanders" because they look lizardish and
spew so much fire.

      > > word than a goblin or demilich would? cause I think it sucks how the big
      > > things all die first, and the little toots survive. perhaps / the damage
      > > taken by the number of sqaures the creature is? that would make wizards
      > Partial protections, man!  It would fix this SO neatly.
      > Give the big suckers protections in the 80% to 90% range. perhaps...
      perhaps... but protection from what? holy power? I spose so... then even
      greater demons etc could have the immunity removed? 
YES YES YES EXACTLY!!!  They dropped dead too easily to holy word because
of their size.  THAT is why I made them immune, NOW I remember.  If we
could make them 90% to 95% immune....

      > Well, for Rug, I think it means that only Q's would want that religion,
      > which I think is fine.  Devourers is good for wraiths:  I was considering
      > adding a "cause many wounds" spell, which would work like bullet storm
      > or bullet storm, and finally give Devourers a way to advance that isn't
      > like cleaning a cargo ship with a toothbrush.
      hmm maybe? mmmm perhaps a level above avatar? an even greater god thingy?
No, I was thinking in the level 3 range.  It would scale up in power with
level to "meet new challenges."



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