[CF-Devel] Fwd: Re: crossfire, pup_land map changes

Andreas Vogl andi.vogl at gmx.net
Mon Sep 18 05:56:15 CDT 2000

--- Weitergeleitete Nachricht / Forwarded Message ---
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2000 14:13:40 +0900
From: KAWAMOTO Yosihisa <
     kawamoto at tenjin.org
     andi.vogl at gmx.net
Subject: Re: crossfire, pup_land map changes

      I am KAWAMOTO Yoshihisa, one of the pupland creators.
      I thank you and I am glad about your effort on the pupland.
      I tell you that we have little time to play and maintain
      the pupland and we have stopped a development of the pupland
      for some years, so I think any developments by someone on
      the pupland are free.  Please feel free to make changes.
      But I would see your changes.  Please send me those.
      > My name is Andreas Vogl, I´m from Muenich in germany. I´m a
      > student, a fan of the multiplayer RPG "crossfire" and a
      > member of the crossfire developers mailing list. My intention
      > is to contact the creator(s) of a certain map-set of the
      > crossfire game, called "pup_land".
      > On one of these maps, I found the following (hopefully valid?)
      > mail adresses of pupland creators:
      Only my mail address is still vaild, and others expired by
      their graduations.
      kawamoto at ics.es.osaka-u.ac.jp
      s-nisita at ics.es.osaka-u.ac.jp
      k-yosida at ics.es.osaka-u.ac.jp
      h-okuda at ics.es.osaka-u.ac.jp
      > In case you really are one of the pupland creators:
      > The pupland maps are great! I like them very much and I´ve
      > played them over and over, all of them.
      Thank you very much.
      > However, as the development of crossfire proceeded, changes
      > about the functionality of buttons have broken some essential
      > quest mechanisms in pupland.
      > Moreover, there are some very powerful artifacts to be found
      > in pupland. A recent discussion on the cf-devel mailing list
      > revealed that some developers would like to either tone them
      > down or make them harder to get.
      I agree.
      In official maps, too powerful artifacts reduce
      everyone's pleasure.
      > I love the pupland quests and I want them to remain attractive
      > and a lot of fun to play, as they used to be. Thus, I have
      > created some changes to the pupland maps. They are not
      > official yet, but I have announced them to the list. I would
      > like to have the original creator(s) of pupland take a look
      > at the new maps and either accept or reject them. If accepted,
      > they would probably become part of the official crossfire
      > distribution.
      This is my honor.
      > Please reply to my adress <
      andi.vogl at gmx.net
      > and tell me if
      > you agree to take a look at the new maps. I would be very happy
      > and sent you both the map files and an explanation of what I
      > changed and why.
      Please send me.
      But my check may make me several days.
      > BTW - I don´t know how many people were involved in the
      > creation of pupland... Should I try to contact them all?
      No, other guys were graduated, so contacting me
      is enough.
      Thank you.
      iKAWAMOTO Yosihisa!                   
      kawamoto at es.osaka-u.ac.jp
      kawamoto at jp.netbsd.org
      kawamoto at tenjin.org
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