[CF-Devel] container overstuffing

Preston Crow crow at bear.cs.dartmouth.edu
Fri Apr 6 11:50:27 CDT 2001

      Just want to get clarifcation on this:
      If say you have 100 arrows in your inventory, you can drop all 100 into a
     container (by not specifying a number - just dropping them), but dropping 99
     will not?
Ok, I just did the following:

Put 10 Bonecrushers in my inventory.
Open sack of holding.
Drop them into the sack--this fails as it should.

Put 10 Bonecrushers on the floor.
Make my sack of holding active.
Set the count to 10.
Hit the comma key to pick them up.
(They go into my inventory, not the sack, which is right.)

Put 10 Bonecrushers on the floor.
Make my sack of holding active.
Set the count to 0.
Hit the comma key to pick them up.
(They go into my sack of holding, not my regular inventory, which is wrong.)

On a related note, if I want to pick something up that is too heavy for me
to carry, but if I were to pick it up, it would go into an active container
which would reduce its weight enough to make it possible to carry, it still
refuses to let me carry it.  Now I haven't tried this in a case where the
first bug wasn't the reason it was fitting into the container, so I'm not
sure how real this is.  Also, it may not be unreasonable to say that if I
can't carry the object, I can't pick it up and then put it in my sack of



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