[CF-Devel] issues with random maps

Peter Mardahl peterm at alfven.EECS.Berkeley.EDU
Thu Apr 12 02:46:25 CDT 2001

      Exits on Exits:
      I sometimes see exits stacked on top of each other.  I think I may have
      once seen the up and down stairs on each other, but I've often seen a hole
      to a special treasure map on top of the stairs.
Some of the exits on exits were intentional:  one is an exit to
the previous level, the other is an exit out of the whole random map.

As for the other, yeah, it's a bit ugly, but a player can simply
select the appropriate exit with his mouse.

      Monsters on Entrance:
      Monsters should never be placed on the entrance to the map.  When this
      happens, you have to fight your way out, as you get placed a square or two
      away from the way back.  Similarly, generators should not be placed on the
Well, I agree with you here:  the problem is that the code for placing
monsters is unaware of exits:  I borrowed it from crossfire at large,
and the crossfire-at-large code for placing things doesn't care
about exits.

A phase of monster-removal might be added, but great care
would have to be taken not to remove an important key from the map.

      Traps Bypassed:
      When there is a chest that requires a key to open, it often will have a
      large number of traps.  However, you can ignore them.  I find that if I
      pick up the chest, activate it, and drop the contents, I'm free to pick
      them up, drop the chest, and walk away without ever setting of a single
      trap.  (Of course, I like to disarm them anyway so as to get the
Arguably, this isn't a problem with random maps but rather
with the container code.  This could be repaired easily, though,
if we cease ever requiring a key to open these treasure chests.
Then I could switch them over to the other type, which spring
their traps when they're apllied and drop everything onto the floor.

      Traps on Walls:
      I've seen some maps generated that had traps on most of the walls.  I was
      able to search and disarm them, though running into the walls would not set
      them off.  Either they shouldn't be there, or they should be set off by
      bumping into the wall (which would require some new code, I suspect).
I've never seen this.  Ever.  Where did you see this?

      Disconnected Maps:
      I discovered this by casting "show invisible" to locate spectres.  I was on
      a map that had two separate areas.  The walls separating them were three
      squares thick at the narrowest point.  (I went into dm mode to see what was
      up.)  There was no way to get over to the other area.  Fortunately, the
      stairs down were in the same area as the stairs up, so it didn't really
      mess anything up that time.
What crossfire version and what type of layout was it?  I've gone
to some trouble to ensure that ALL maps are fully connected:  i.e.,
you can get anywhere in the map from anywhere in the map.
I ran hundreds of test cases to see if this actually worked out.

      Impossible to Reach Area Due to Keys:
      I found one map where one walled-off area was accessible only by using
      strange keys to open the walls around a chest.  Unfortunately, the keys in
      question were all in that walled-off area, so I couldn't reach them.  I
      suppose there's a chance that one was in an icecube, but I don't think so.
Here I think you simply failed to look hard enough for keys.  When I
put in any keyed door, I make *two* keys for it:  one on either side
of the door.  When a monster cannot be found in which to put the key,
it is dropped onto the ground, which is why you saw a pile of keys

It's not possible for a key to be in an icecube.  The only things that
can harm keys are alchemy or the matching doors.



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