[CF-Devel] Light and Darkness

kevin at ank.com kevin at ank.com
Fri Dec 28 12:52:35 CST 2001

Hi all,

I've been testing the darkness code on some of the sample maps and
find that it doesn't work nearly as well as I would have hoped.
When casting light from a light source, the light should stop at
any walls I think.  As it is, the code makes it very difficult to
throw shadows across the floor of the dungeon, and light on a wall
lights up that wall even if you are on the opposite side from the
light source.

Also perhaps someone can answer how to light a torch; applying the
torch doesn't light it.  And a bug I've noticed;  if you have an unlit 
torch in your inventory above a lit torch your light drops to zero.  


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     kevin at ank.com
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  :'''/____ // /  //  |_// // ||        .'~.  .~`, 
                                   kls   \_/-=\_/


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