Here are some new Tiles. They are from a set i self cut down some. Well, to speed things up, i will going this way: I hold contact to the artist, look in the work and change and check the tiles (format, transparence, etc.). Then i give them to AV to check them in and for include in CF. This will free AV from unusable tiles - of course we still have work with them. In this set are some bigger structures... hill formations using 4 tiles - they look great! We will have to change the word map for it! Well, check this in and work over the world map will change the look in major way and will make them resonable for all people - and thats what we need! I will check in many as possible from this tiles fast as possible! Then we send him screenshots and tell him what we also need - you got the point? :) [snip] Hi Here are 58 semi-new tiles for use in Crossfire. These tiles are either done completely by me or they use some features of the tiles already present in the Game. This is my second release and I hope that the transparency works this time... most noticeably is the fountain.. so if the fountain isn't transparent where it should please feel free to contact me. This set contains 3 new tiles that wasn't present in the arch.tar.gz these are: hill.111.png, bighill.111.png, bighill.211.png, bighill.311.png, bighill.411.png, desert_1.111.png, desert_2.111.png, desert_3.111.png, desert_4.111.png, dsrt_hill.111.png, dsrt_oasis.111.png Bigg hill is a 2x2 hill in grass... hill is a 1x1 hill whereas the hills tile isnt done yet sadly.. so I guess you could rename hill.111.png to hills.111.png too... dsrt_hill and dsrt_oasis are just that.. a hill and an oasis in desert. desert_1 etc are variations on a desert theme.. so it wont get repetetive.. it goes along very well with desert.111.png too These tiles are free for use in non-profit products, I'd be very glad if you'd tell me in which projects you intend to use them too. New versions of this tileset will be avaiable on The Roguelike Graphics Page Suggestions are welcome /Mårten E-mail: maxmc at Homepage: