Hi I love this title - kick me for it. Ok, i have read alot about iso gfx and iso style here and i try to explain why things are different as some expect. So, i make this mail and some demo gfx to SHOW you why things are different as we do it in CF and why the CF png iso style is nonsense. 1. What is ISO gfx? ISO gfx is NOT a 3D gfx. It is not drawn 3D perspective. ISO style gfx is a eye trick. A way to fool yours eyes. You THINK you see a natural perspective gfx - in real its a big fake. It uses gfx tricks to fool you and tricks to make drawing gfx simple. I will show you the interesting tricks. 2. Diablo and Age of Empire Diablo and Age of Empire use both rectangle gfx turned for 90°. This is only a way to attach in a easy way the tiles - i will show you later why we don't need it. Diablo 2 use not real ISO tile gfx. It uses "ISO parts", big rendered parts which gets connected to a big picture. But int the core it is the same as Age of Empire. Age of Empires is one of the most sofisticated ISO bitmap tile engine which is on market. It has a map editor and i will show you the examples with it. 3. What ISO style bitmaps use? a.) *nearly* FLAT BITMAP Objects! b.) On all positions of a map objects of same *size* c.) background gfx who fool the eye to think you see a perpective d.) hidden "eye lines" in all object to fool your eyes to the perspective. This brings me to the first big point: The artist who native draw the CF png set don't know what iso style gfx are and how it works! ** We have NOT iso gfx in the png set - we have a bad frozen 3D gfx in it !!** Let me show you first picture (gfx from age of empire! microsoft copyright, so beware) This is simple grass with a few fighters. http://mids.student.utwente.nl/~michtoen/isodemo/demo1.png As you can see, the 2 figures going the the right - THEY ARE *nearly* FLAT!! The guy above is also flat, but the gfx has a animation on it, which turn the figure looking left to right. but the figure IS FLAT. The figure is drawn 'inside' as a object which look like propotions - thats all. All figures are drawn flat from front!! But as you can see, the pictures *without* any objects look real good - look NOT flat. why? Well, i will show you. But first the funny part: Look this ... http://mids.student.utwente.nl/~michtoen/isodemo/demo2.png Grin. Thats our ninja png .... Now look at it. THATS WHY OUR PNG pictures are NOT iso style gfx... Its a broken 3D gfx... Why artist don't use this? Why want the use the flat one? Because iso works with it! Because you can show more details! Because only this fools the eyes. Now i include the pngs all people from you called "flat"... http://mids.student.utwente.nl/~michtoen/isodemo/demo3.png Hello? What is flat here? You see it? Welcome to ISO style gfx. Our flat little suckers mutate to real 3d like iso orcs... Ok. WHY? 4. Hidden perspective lines The *trick* are hidden in the grass... There are structures and *perspective* lines in it, which let your eye see the "iso perspective*. I had drawn lines in this picture to show you where they are... * i had drawn the lines *more* turned to the perspektive, than the real lines in the grass structures are, so you will see difference easily ** http://mids.student.utwente.nl/~michtoen/isodemo/demo4.png Thats all? thats real all? Yes. Thats the whole trick. The point is - The background must look as ONE perpective object. When this is not the case - things start looking strange. A nice demo picture. All objects are ok here, but vertical line, sitting in the middle breaks the eye perpective... not much, but it look good as when you put your hand on it and shows at the left one part. http://mids.student.utwente.nl/~michtoen/isodemo/demo5.png This "hidden" perspective lines works also, when you had nearly vertical structures. At this demo picture, all things are slighty turned or not 100% vertical... result... See for yourself. http://mids.student.utwente.nl/~michtoen/isodemo/demo6.png Give the background a look. See you, how the hidden structures in the grass give you the 3D perspektive look? But in real, the non vertical structures gives you the iso look. This 90° thing. So without. LOOK AT THE BACKGROUND. There is the perspective, NOT in the figure. http://mids.student.utwente.nl/~michtoen/isodemo/demo7.png Here with ... http://mids.student.utwente.nl/~michtoen/isodemo/demo8.png 5. So whats the point? a.) Our problem are the png iso gfx. DELETE THEM. b.) We need this kind of background structures. c.) We don't need 90° tiles like in AoE or Diablo. The structures can also in rectangle tile included. Look at demo7.png... its a rectangle. You can cut this in 32x32 tiles. What you need is a collection of parts where the hidden lines go on. d.) Its only a task of map making 6.) Are there more tricks Some. Most is to had "in the whole picture" the hidden lines. Because the lines are 90° its easy to draw when tiles are 90° too - but Diablo 2 for example use big rendered parts. Inside there are not 90° tiles... Its just more native to do it, but we don't must. 7.) How we can do it In fact for us is easier to draw rectangles... Simply draw the lines in bigger pictures and cut them out. ** Then use for maps bigger structures ** Don't include like we had done in old maps vertical lines of same tiles... This destroys the iso perspective. Look at the grass structures of the demo pictures, that gives you imagination how this bigger structures works. Its easy! You don't need much tiles. Plus some masks we can easily include because we have multi tile maps... 8.) Use background / object layers. We had some gfx- trees for example who had included backgrounds. This must removed also, because you start getting trouble with the background structures. But thats always a sign of good map editors to have logical layers. Its something we had included in CF long time - Simply we don't use it in our tile set. This must be changed. 9.) For fun: true high levels. If you ever think how the fancy high levels in AoE or other games works: here. The trick is, when you got a tile between 2 high levels - make this tile *longer* or shorter* Means, when all tiles 32x32. Make in a high levels first step 32x32, next step (thats goind down) 28x32 and the bottom tile (where you see much room) 36x32... This goes with masks. Now, when a object move in this, you had a speed x. 32/x are the pixels you move every turn. For the 28x32 tile is it 28/x ... means you can move faster (or slower when calc it different). Because you now have also a real *on the map existing* pixel difference, you see in AoE the figures really going high or down in the map... Because the tile SIZE is different... But thats only for fun, we want do this in CF before version 4.0 or so :) http://mids.student.utwente.nl/~michtoen/isodemo/levels 10.) Whats now? Ok, lets talk about. I hope i had cleared the things for you. Our problem is the background and the maps, meaning the use of background gfx in the maps. Also, when we dont include rectangle houses/dungeons , we got it. Its simple to add a 90° dungeons, with 90° walls... in fact, we can do it with the set we have. Michael