The cvs repository is now installed on sourceforge. If you do not have any changes in your checked out tree, the easiest thing to do is just do a new checkout. See for information on setup. If you want to reparent your tree, do the following: 1) Create a /tmp/Root file with the new repository information. The contents of mine looks like: : ext: mwedel at :/cvsroot/crossfire Everything but the login name (mwedel) should be the same for anyone else. 2) Update all the Root entries in your cvs tree. To do that, run find . -name Root -exec cp /tmp/Root {} \; This is best run from the the relevant directory (arch, crossfire, maps, client). IF you have all those and nothing checked out in a common directory, you could run it from there. 3) Update the repository information. Use the perl script I provide - its useage is update_rp <dirname> - if run from the parent dir, it would be arch, crossfire, maps, client, as above. If withing the arch, ... dirs, then just use . if you have a CVSROOT environment variable set, also remember to update that. -------------- next part -------------- #!/usr/bin/perl use File::Find; find(\&wanted, "$ARGV[0]"); sub wanted { if ($_ eq "Repository") { $file=$_; open(IN,"<$file"); $contents = <IN>; close(IN); $contents =~ s#/home/cvs/CVS/##; open(IN,">$file"); print IN $contents; close(IN); } }