[CF-Devel] xpm removal???

Pertti Karppinen (OH6KTR) pjka at cc.jyu.fi
Wed Feb 28 06:33:30 CST 2001

On Wed, Feb 28, 2001 at 02:05:58PM +1100, dnh wrote:
      c) don't _feel_ right to some people (for example I think removing .xpms
      still isn't 100% agreed on not because .png isn't better but because it
      just doesn't seem right to remove all the xpms).
Why do peole want to remove xpm's?
The main reason I ever started playing crossfire was the amazingly good
looking graphics, namely the xpm ones.
I'm used to them and they are still better looking than the png ones.
I like pictures that are easy to see, and xpm's are easy to see. Also there
are no gamma correction problems across different systems. (eg. On an sgi box,
web pages look very different than on winblows systems, because of the
default gamma correction.)
If someone is going to point that "we cannot maintain 3 separate sets of
graphics", then I think the development is taking the wrong route. It
basically means that lot of monsters are added to the game. There are alot
of monsters allready, we don't urgently need any new ones. What we need are
maps. And maps. And perhaps some more maps. If someone absolutely has to
make a new monster, she/he should take the trouble of making the picture
available in all supported formats, using automated transformation if
nothing else. If the picture is sufficiently bad someone will make a better
one someday.


P.S.   We could use some more maps for crossfire.
P.P.S. We could use a new map editor for crossfire.  
BSc. Pertti Karppinen <
     pjka at iki.fi
     >                   |'Bridge Players |
Systems Designer, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland    |      Do        |
      | Office  : +358 14 260 2088 |      It        |
HAM: OH6KTR QTH: KP22UF  | Cellular: +358 40 564 0786 | on the Table'  |


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