[CF-Devel] multi tile monsters - one png

Scott MacFiggen smurf at CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
Sat Jul 14 00:16:41 CDT 2001

On Fri, Jul 13, 2001 at 09:41:23PM +0200, Michael Toennies wrote:
      As i look at the new mapcmd code from mark, i notice that this opens the
      to a nice feature - to avoid the cutting of multi tile monster pictures.
      First, lets remember what multi tile monster means. They are needed for
      server to
      control monsters which reach over more than 1 tile.
I had a similiar idea to this one. While working on the client I 
found it somewhat annoying that as a client author I couldn't even
tell where the player was on screen.. All I get from the server are
face id's to paint onto the screen. I have to do a server hack to 
get info from the server that the player entered a new map, as it is
today I can't even get this info from the server.  I was thinking it 
would be better if the server passed object ID info to the client 
where the first time an object came into view all the necessary info 
would be given to the client. This would include the face ID and if 
the face was multitile, so be it. This would open up more advanced 
features to the client as well as allow everything Michael proposed 
in his email. Unfortunetly I'm going to Brasil for 2 months in about
6 weeks so I can't work on this myself but it would be nice. 



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