[CF-Devel] FW: hi guys

Michael Toennies michael.toennies at nord-com.net
Sat Jul 14 16:32:42 CDT 2001

Well, that 2nd mail from wyvern guy.
Remember this whole thread is not as hot as it seems..
So, please no flame mail to anyone, this was a mail to me.

      -----Original Message-----
      From: Steve Yegge [mailto:
      stevey at cabochon.com
      Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2001 6:23 AM
      michael.toennies at nord-com.net
      Subject: Re: hi guys
      Hi Michael,
      Incidentally, I read through the shout logs today and saw the
      conversation you had with some of the players online.  It's
      not surprising that they were rather hostile to you, because
      your wording was (I believe) rather too strong.  Wyvern has
      over 3500 pictures (all of them done by artists who have
      never seen Crossfire in their lives), and you chose two or
      three of them that looked similar to pictures in Crossfire
      and used that as the basis for labeling my game as a "clone"
      that "stole" everything from Crossfire.
      Quite frankly, I'm surprised that the makers of the Titan board
      game haven't sued to make you remove your artwork for the
      Behemoth and the Chinese Dragon in Crossfire, both of which
      were clearly photocopied from the tiles in the board game.
      Not to mention the ghosts (from Gauntlet), and I could go on
      with more examples if I put my mind to it.  The Crossfire team
      STOLE artwork from these other games, and I don't see any
      mention of them on your website.
      Do you see my point now?  If you lighten up a little bit,
      people will go easier on you, I think.
      Michael Toennies writes:
       > Hi
       > Iam Michael Toennies from the Crossfire dev team.
       > I got a look at your game and i was somewhat suprised because
       > its a nice crossfire clone.
       > You have done some great work! New ideas and so on!
       > Nice.
       > Well, what a bit sad is, that you don't give a single note to 
       > Like "inspired by crossfire" or something.
       > Notice, that the crossfire guys (i speak about mark wedel 
      which has now the
       > copyright stuff) are very friendly.
       > So, even if you plan to go commercial, there should be no problem.
       > But i really just wonder, you guys don't even make a small not 
      about it.
       > Remember, that some gfx ideas etc. are from outside guys. When 
      one of this
       > is pissed
       > about "to close" same gfx...
       > You players get a bit pissed as i call your game a crossfire 
      clone, so thats
       > not the way
       > this should go.
       > I really love to see, how we can make there a better notice about the
       > others.
       > And perhaps there is more than only notice. Many crossfire guys hasn't
       > problems
       > to share ideas or code/work woth others...
       > Notice, that iam not direct from server team.
       > Iam the guy who coded the DirectX client, ported the server to 
      win32 and now
       > i had ported
       > the game to true ISO style and nearly finished a SDL client, 
      which will let
       > crossfire run
       > under several OS with same client... and alpha blending etc. 
      will no problem
       > (i got 55 fps
       > under windowed mode with a p500 yet).
       > So, i know the problems with this old die hard linux server 
      guys... Same
       > really hate me
       > because i opend CF to windows worlds... and i really thought 
      about making a
       > WinCrossfire...
       > Well, but i found it better to invade them, instead of split. :)
       > Michael

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