[CF-Devel] arch types & xbm&xpm libs

Michael Toennies michael.toennies at nord-com.net
Mon Jul 16 22:34:42 CDT 2001


The SDL client goes right version 1.0, in fact i need only to include the
inventory & below

What i don't want include is xbm&xpm support.

Should it not be time to remove them from server CVS?

Another point is this ugly item_type module and the way the client
try to get and idea of the type.

Well, we only need a way to include the real type information in the arch
Mainly, we need to update the items with it - all stuff which a client can
put in his

Really, this should be a must! The old methode is a hack and a violation of
the rules of the
arch object system. The arch object system is dynamic and server side.
What the client try is static and not server side. In fact, current client
item type code is
outdated in the second it is written.

I should be really not the horrible work to include a type (and perhaps a
subtype information) in the
item arches.


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