[CF-Devel] client 'configure' gives problems

Scott MacFiggen smurf at CSUA.Berkeley.EDU
Mon Jun 18 12:56:57 CDT 2001

On Mon, Jun 18, 2001 at 05:32:49PM +1000, dnh wrote:
      Firstly I would just like to say WOOOOOOOO HOOOOO! The SDL client is
      running around 200x faster on my machine and that isn't an exxageration. I
      was getting 10 second delays while gcfclient busily resized the window.
      Now you don't even notice the redraw! I think we can safely say gdk's png
      stuff is dodgy. =)
I figured the speed improvments would be pretty hardware specific.
I saw about 30% speed improvments with SDL, maybe 40% with the speed
enchancments I commited last night, mark saw almost no improvment, I 
dunno if my changes last night made things better for him or not though.

      * Tiles left in memory. When you walk towards a wall, the tile immediatly
      preceeding the 'blackness' is repeated in there and we see no blackness.
      This only seems to happen with walls.
      /me 's best guess: either the tiler isn't considering parts of the map
      which don't exist (ie the map is 4 x 4, it doesn't just paste black for 5,
      4. The tiler isn't removing tiles from the cache and is leaving them there..
      or something.
Is this any wall or a specific place on a map? I haven't seen this before.
Can you give me a specific example? ie: Map location that I can try?

      * Funny colours. The hallofselection's tiles grey tiles are coming up
      wrong, for me I got a nice cyan colour, for mids I believe a fine yellow.
      I have no idea what is causing this.. maybe a debian thing, or maybe SDL
      lacks that particular colour. 
Yeah, I get yellow.. I haven't looked at that one yet.



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