A new release for the java editor. Version 0.971 is full usable. Try it out. I had reorginized the CVS directory structure. I had removed the src folder stuff. How can i delete the folder? In the docs it stand it will be removed automatically, but the folder still is empty in cvs? Also, as i add i copy&paste a false name, so i make a yoyodyme folder in CVS main tree. Can one remove it? Mark, Tanners? I don't want try delete function on main tree. Sorry for it. I had now setup the whole editor tree. So feel free to add stuff. If you look in the HelpFiles folder, you will find *,html stuff. All online help can be html, so add here you stuff. If one here knows some about java, please look in the source. Iam still a java beginner and i had coded this fast as possible. So, the code is ugly, the structure is ugly, and so on. Feel free to lift the source. The Editor can collect the archfiles and generate the server data - except the .xbm/.xpm file and the faces file. The face file should be also removed, its nonsense to assign xpm/xbm color values to the faces. As i understand, this is used for the magic map command. This must be reworked for the png only set, so i drop it too. Michael