I've converted some of the old xpm art to centered-png images. I.e., I have complete images for the xpm monsters (animations and all) in png format. I did not scale them, so they look just like the xpm art. I've done this for some of the nicer buildings as well. Now all I need to do is split the pngs up. Once I have done that I see no reason to keep xpms or xbms around anymore. I think Mich Toen is right about the current png set's "iso-ness". It just looks wrong. I think we should do as he suggests and replace the "iso" monster images, at the very least, with forward-facing ones, or at least ones which are standing straight instead of at some bizarre angle and which look bad. BTW, if the salvaged xpms end up replacing any GOOD png art, it sounds like a perfect opportunity to create more monsters. PeterM