[CF-Devel] Return home on save?

Mark Wedel mwedel at scruz.net
Thu Mar 15 22:20:40 CST 2001

 This is probably the 5th discussion on this topic - what to do when the player
is saved in a non standard way (ie, backup save and server crash, or client
drops connection).

 The one new piece to this puzzle is the addition of savebed paths added a while
ago, which I think makes the decision easier.

 For referance, right now, backup and client disconnect saves are done wherever
the player currently is. This has a host of problems:
1) Player can disconnect after clearing out treasureroom, wait for map to reset,
log back in, and get treasures again.  Only useful if treasures change.
2) Player in a potentially trapped area remains trapped after login.

 My latest thought is that always return the player back to his saveded
location.  This fixes both bugs above.  The only disadvantage is that you get a
free word of recall in places you perhaps can not word of recall from.  Best I
know, there are very few dungeons where that is a problem (certainly a lot fewer
that point #1).

 The main reason I bring this up is that if version 1.0 is released soon, there
will presumably be a lot more players who somehow get screwed up (trapped in
Arena as other message states, or perhaps trapped in some new area we had not
foreseen of - I think there are actually lots of places a player could get
trapped with the malicous "help" from another).  So providing an easy way out
may not be bad.

 Backup save at home sort of does this, but home is actually the first town, (or
may in fact be hall of selection - hmm...  it is), which is usually not as

 If this becomes abusive, there may be some ways to fix it - give the player a
high negative speed_left so after they log back it, it takes them some amount of
time before they can do anything again - potentially reducing the time savings. 



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