Performance, was RE: [CF-Devel] Future of Crossfire

Bob Tanner tanner at
Thu May 17 21:13:57 CDT 2001

Quoting Mark Wedel (
     mwedel at
      On Thu, 17 May 2001, Yann Chachkoff wrote:
      > Agree. Idea: the client connects to the server, _may_ (not _must_) request a
      > list of pictures available with last update dates; if the client pictures

       The idea of separating the picture server from the crossfire server has been
      discussed before.  These are the problems:
      1) Reliability - if picture server is down and you need an image, your hosed.
Easily solved. Simpliest solution is have the picture servers in a round-robin
DNS setup. Just need to make sure the client, timesout quickly and tries the
next IP.

A more complex setting, but vastly more reliable, would be using Linux Virtual
Server (LVS) (
     ) with multiple directors using
Virtual Servers via IP Tunneling (VS-TUN).

      2) Simplicity - setting up a new crossfire server now requires the potential
         that you add new images to the picture server.  This now requires
         authentication of some sort.
Maybe use a DNS analogy here. Couldn't the client look in its local cache for
the image. If not, ask the server it's connected to, if not forward the request
the picture server?

Bob Tanner <
     tanner at
     >       | Phone : (952)943-8700
                      | Fax   : (952)943-8500
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