Hi, I am a crossfire developer and I recently recieved a forward of your message to rick tanner. I have done some work on the graphics and am most interested to see you involved in anyway you can. I assume you are the Spider that was involved in realmz/exile3... I have always been a fan of realmz (I bought all the scenarios) and in particular loved the graphics in that game. I have tried to create a set somewhat similar in style to that of realmz. It can be found on crossfire.csua.berkeley.edu.au if you can run a client. Basically, each tile is a 32 x 32 png, but we also support multitiled monsters (similar to realmz). All work is GPL'd and we hope any work done on crossfire will remain on the GPL system. If you are willing in anyway (be it advice or graphics..) please respond to this mail, and I will try to answer any questions you have or connect to you to people who can. If you aren't really interested please just reply so i might know you did recieve this mail, Thanks heaps from the Crossfire development team dnh