[CF-Devel] strange bug with user file

Michael Toennies michael.toennies at nord-com.net
Sat Oct 27 20:11:43 CDT 2001


On my test server (on windows) i got a very strange bug.

The server runs since weeks and month without bigger problems,
but a hour ago, i got hard crashes.

I test alot (my arches first because i work on it), but it was not
a data file. At last (really at last) i find out, that my test char
yy has a bad player file.

The bug is more as strange , because
- no useful bug message
- server finds the player file ok

i had attached the player file.

Name yy, psw: yy

Please try it out. It should crash the server after you submit the pswd
to the server.

I find out that the server crushs in the module loop.c, function
void HandleClient(NewSocket *ns, player *pl).

In the part :

    /* Only valid players can use these commands */
	if (pl) for (i=0; plcommands[i].cmdname !=NULL; i++) {
        if (strcmp((char*)ns->inbuf.buf+2,plcommands[i].cmdname)==0) {

it crashes in the line:


I have not the time to go deeper in it and i need first a verification, that
this is not a special problem of my test server.

Please give me a note about it.

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