[CF-Devel] Compiling crossfire under win32

Mark Wedel mwedel at sonic.net
Mon Apr 22 23:05:55 CDT 2002

phil wrote:

      Mark Wedel <
      mwedel at sonic.net
      > wrote:
      Thanks for the quick response.  Checked out CVS and recompiled just now.  I made some other changes, like using Python 2.2.1, and changing the documentation to reflect that.  Plus, Visual Studio automatically translated some things to English.
      Anyway, the diffs are attached.  (One diff?  Multiple diffs?  I dunno.  I'm new at this, be gentle.)

  Context diffs (-c) work best.  Taking a quick look at the patches, it seems 
the unix patch really doesn't like the carriage returns that are in the original 
files, which makes life difficult for me to patch.  If someone with windows 
running who has CVS wants to apply the patch, that is great, with one minor cavaet:

      RCS file: /cvsroot/crossfire/crossfire/server/c_object.c,v
      retrieving revision 1.35
      diff -r1.35 c_object.c
     	save_player(op,1); /* To avoid cheating */
  This is not what the old code does, and really should not be applied.  What it 
basically means is that anytime a player drops an item, the character will get 

  Before I changed the code, tehre were two layers of #ifdefs - one checking to 
see if SAVE_INTERVAL was defined, and another checking to see if SAVE_INTERVAL 
was a non zero value.  The #else in the old code, which corresponds to that 
above, matched that second #if - ie, if SAVE_INTERVAL was defined to be zero, 
then save whenever the player drops an item.

  The patch above is outside that code, which means if SAVE_INTERVAL is not 
defined, then save everytime a player drops an item.  This is not desirable - 
the code as currently in CVS should be fine - if you want characters to be saved 
whenver they drop and item, just set SAVE_INTERVAL to zero in the config.h file.


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